Home » Carrier strike: almost 3 thousand trucks blocked on the border with Poland

Carrier strike: almost 3 thousand trucks blocked on the border with Poland

by alex

About 2,800 trucks are blocked at three checkpoints on the Ukrainian-Polish border, the movement of which has been restricted by Polish carriers. This number even increased slightly compared to the previous day.

Speaker of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine Andrey Demchenko spoke about this on the air of the United News telethon.

– As of morning, about 2,800 freight vehicles had accumulated in queues. We even see a certain increase compared to the previous day,” he noted.

According to Demchenko, up to 1,200 trucks are in line opposite the Krakovets checkpoint, Yagodin – 1,100, and Rava-Russkaya – 500.

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The speaker recalled that negotiations between the Ukrainian side and Polish carriers have not yet yielded results.

– Unfortunately, as we see, the negotiations that Ukraine has held with the Polish side twice have so far led to nothing. The protesters continue to demand that their demands be met in order to cancel the transport visa-free regime for Ukraine,” Demchenko emphasized.

Carriers allow only a few trucks per hour to cross the border in both directions. They also begin to block traffic at other checkpoints. For example, at the Shegini point, border guards recorded a queue of about 1,200 trucks.

At the same time, Polish carriers do not interfere with the movement of buses and cars.

Strike of Polish carriers: what is known

On November 6, Polish carriers went on strike and blocked the movement of trucks on the border with Ukraine. We are talking about three checkpoints: Krakovets – Korcheva, Yagodin – Dorohusk and Rava Russkaya – Hrebene.

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According to Polish media, carriers plan to go on strike until early January 2024.

They voiced a number of conditions, in particular: return permits to Ukrainian carriers (i.e. cancel transport visa-free travel); launch a separate queue in the e-queue for cars with EU license plates and a separate queue for empty trucks; gain access to the Ukrainian Shlyakh system.

According to media reports, if Poland does not resolve the issue of blocking checkpoints, the European Commission may punish Warsaw.

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