Home » Can carry up to six missiles: what is known about the Russian bomber Tu-95

Can carry up to six missiles: what is known about the Russian bomber Tu-95

by alex

< IMG Title = "can carry up to six missiles: what is known about the Russian bomber Tu-95" Width = "632" Height = "356" SRC = "https://cdn.fakty.com.ua/wp-content /uPloads/2022/10/11/tu-95-golovna-1.jpg "class =" Attachment-_as_632_356 SIZE-_AS_632_356 WP-Post-Image "ALT =" Tu-95 (bombers-rocket carrier) &#8212 ; Technical characteristics and features "srcset =" https://cdn.fakty.com.ua/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/11/tu-95-golovna-1.jpg 640w, https: //cdn.fakty .com.ua/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/Tu-95-Golovna-1-300x169.jpg 300W "SIZES =" (MAX-Width: 632PX) 100VW, 632PX "Depoding =" ASYNC "/> < p >Russian troops often use the Tu-95 aircraft to bombard Ukrainian cities.

< p > what is known about the Russian aircraft Tu-95 and what missiles it can carry — We learned the facts consalm.

< h2 > plane Tu-95: history

< p > this is a strategic bomber-rake. Developed and adopted it in the 1950s.

are now watching < p > It was at that time that in the USSR they insisted on having their own strategic intercontinental bomber.

< p > The fact is that the United States has already been armed with < strong > confair b-36 , which could reach the borders of the USSR, which threatened the existence of the Soviet Union . Therefore, it was decided to develop an analogue of the American bomber.

< p > first serial aircraft began to enter service in 1956 at the airfield in the Uzin, Ukraine. < p > < p >Tu-95 became one of the symbols of the Cold War. By the way, he found Stalin. It is this aircraft that still remains the main strategic missile carrier of the aerospace forces of the Russian Federation.

< h2 > features and use Tu-95

< IMG ARIA-DESCRIBEDBY = "CAPTION-METTACHMHment-4776419" Title = "can carry up to six missiles: what is known about the Russian Tu-95" Class = "WP-IMAGE-4776419 SIZE-FULL" SRC = "HTTPS: HTTPS: HTTPS: HTTPS: https //cdn.fakty.com.ua/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/11/gettyimages-1240508647-1.jpg "ALT =" Tu-95 bomber "width =" 640 "height =" 360 "srcset = "https://cdn.fakty.com.ua/wp-cloads/2022/10/11/getyimages-1240508647-1.jpg 640W, https://cdn.fakty.com.ua/wp-conetent/UPLOADS/2022/10/11/Gettyimages-1240508647-1-300x169.jpg 300W "SIZES =" (MAX-WIDTH: 640PX) 100VW, 640PX "/> 62 ~< p ID = "Caption-Tatachment-4776419" class = "WP-Capation-Text" >~ 60 > photo: getty images 60 ~/p > < p > main purpose of the aircraft — The destruction of strategic objects in the enemy’s rear, under any weather conditions and at any time of the day.

< p > other main role that was assigned Tu-95 — rocket carrier. The plane can carry up to six missiles in the internal drum installation.

< p > bomber is equipped with powerful NK-12 turboprop engines. The turbine and gearbox of this motor have a record high coefficient of useful action.

< p > according to the Russian Federation, the bomber is equipped with the most powerful NK-12 turboprop engines in the world. The turbine and gearbox of this engine have a record high coefficient of useful action.

< p >However, according to military expert Alexander Kovalenko, the Russians always exaggerate the characteristics of their aircraft and the real capabilities of the engines.

< blockquote >< p > — The NK-12 engine used in the Tu-95 was developed in the 1950s. Since then, he has been modernized. The Russians tried to constantly improve it, so there are a large number of modifications, — Adds expert.

< p > Kovalenko adds that it is difficult to call the NK-12 engine the most powerful in the world, since the entire program of Russian engines is in the stage of degradation.

< p > — Their engines are not quite high -tech, since the Russians use exclusively an element of the Soviet past, which are trying to adapt to the present. In the 1950s, the NK-12 engine was one of the most powerful, but now it certainly does not meet modern requirements! — Adds a military expert.

< p > Tu-95 there are a lot of modifications, but now the Russian army has on its weapons < Strong > Tu-95ms 60 ~ Strong > TUST 95MSM.

< p >< strong > which missiles carry Tu-95:

62 > 62 > < ul > < Li > Tu -95msm can carry a more modern winged missile < Strong > x-101. < li > 62 > 62 > < li > all other models are able to carry only Soviet missiles < strong > x-555 60 ~/li > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 ~ 62

< p > By the way, the x-101 missile does not fit into the internal compartment with a drum launcher, so Tu-95MSM can carry these missiles exclusively on the external suspension. ~ 60 > < h2 > tactical-technical characteristics Tu-95

< IMG ARIA-DESCRIBEDBY = "Caption-METTACHment-4776418" Title = "can carry up to six missiles: what is known about the Russian BU-95" Loading = "Lazy" class = "WP-IMAGE-4776418 SIZE-phull" src = "https://cdn.fakty.com.ua/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/11/gettyimage-1222222449638-1.jpg" Alt = "Tu-95" width = "640" Height = "361" srcset = "https://cdn.fakty.com.ua/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/11/gettyimages-12222449638-1.jpg 640W, https://cdn.fakty.com.uaa /wp-content/uploads/2022/10/11/gettyimages-1222222449638-1-300x169.jpg 300W "SIZES =" (MAX-Width: 640PX) 100VW, 640PX "/< P ID =" CAPTION -attachment-4776418 "Class =" WP-Capation-Text ">~ 60 > photo: getty images ~ 60 >

62 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 < ul > < li > plane length — 49 m.

< li > height — 13 m.

< li > wing area — 310 m2.

< li > wing arrow — 35 °.

< li > maximum flight speed — 1,000 km/h.

< li > starting mass — 160 thousand kg.

< li > flight range — 15 thousand km.

< p >< strong > characteristics Tu-95ms

< ul > < li > crew — 7 people.

< li > length — 49.09 m.

< li > wingspan — 50.04 m.

< li > maximum take -off weight — 185 thousand

< li > maximum speed — 830 km/h.

< li > combat load — up to six cruise missiles x-55/555 in the internal drum installation.

< p > in turn Tu-95MSM aircraft can carry a more modern winged missile < strong > x-101 , but on external suspension.

< h2 > application in the war against Ukraine

< p > 11 March 2022, about six Tu-95ms aircraft launched ten cruise missiles along the Dnieper, Ivano-Frankivsk and Lutsk. On the afternoon of April 23, 2022, Tu-95 aircraft from the Kaspian Sea were launched several cruise missiles (preliminary X-555 or X-101). Two of them were shot down by the air defense units of Ukraine.

< p > Unfortunately, not all missiles were destroyed. Runned missiles with Tu-95 struck one military facility and a residential building in Odessa. It is known, at least about five dead.

< p >< strong > 5 December 2022 head of the Nikolaev Regional Military Administration < Strong > Vitaly Kim < Strong > he said, that the Russians lifted 14 Tu-95 bombers into the air.

< blockquote >< p > — 14 Petukhov-95 in the air (as I understand it, 6-8 less than planned), he wrote in telegram.

62 > 62 > 62 ~ < p > Kim urged Ukrainians to remain calm and not panic.

< p > on the night of < strong > 9 March 2023 < strong >The troops of the Russian Federation inflicted a massive missile blow to the objects of critical infrastructure of Ukraine. The occupations of the invaders, in particular, were made from 10 Tu-95 strategic aircraft aircraft. Then the air defense forces were destroyed by 34 of 48 cruise missiles (x-101/x-555 and caliber).

< p > on the night of < strong > April 28, 2023 enemy attacked Ukraine from Tu-95 strategic aircraft from the Caspian Sea. The Ukrainian military destroyed 21 of 23 cruise missiles x-101/x-555.

< p > around 04:00 < strong > on May 9, 2023 Russians launched 17 air-based missiles x-101/x-555 from strategic aircraft aircraft- < strong > four Tu-95ms from the Caspian region.

< p > < strong > May 1, 2023 Russian troops produced 18 x-101/x-555 cruise missiles in Ukraine. The aggressor raised strategic aircraft aircraft: nine Tu-95 from the Olenegorsk (Murmansk region) and two Tu-160 from the Caspian Sea. Air defense forces eliminated 15 missiles.

< p > on the night of < strong > 18 May, 2023 enemy attacked the territory of Ukraine with several waves of missile strikes. In total, 30 cruise missiles of sea, air and ground-based missiles were produced, including Tu-95. The air defense forces then managed to destroy 29 missiles.

< p >< strong > on the morning of December 29, 2023 Russian troops struck the most massive missile blow to Ukraine during a full -scale war. In total, the enemy launched 158 air targets: shock drones of Shahed-136/131, winged and aerobalistic missiles. In particular, from 18 Tu-95MS bombers, the invaders launched at least 90 X-101/X-555/X-55 cruise missiles. Air Force of the Armed Forces of Ukraine liquidated 87 missiles.

< p > from the beginning of 2024 the Russian Federation also regularly raised Tu-95 bombers for strikes in Ukraine.

< p >

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