Home » Buses with Mariupol residents began to arrive in Zaporozhye, which were blocked by the occupier for two days

Buses with Mariupol residents began to arrive in Zaporozhye, which were blocked by the occupier for two days

by alex

Evacuation of people/Illustrative photo

Evacuation buses with residents of Mariupol began to arrive in the Zaporozhye region. Despite the agreements, the occupiers blocked them at checkpoints for two days.

This was announced by Deputy Head of the Office of the President of Ukraine Kyrylo Tymoshenko. He noted that buses are already reaching Zaporozhye.

Buses with Mariupol residents have begun to arrive in Zaporozhye

According to him, more than 4,000 Mariupol residents were practically forced to live in the field, because the orcs violated the agreements and kept them at checkpoints.

However, people managed to escape and now they are already in the territory controlled by Ukraine.

Mariupol residents from the evacuation column, which was blocked by the occupiers for two days, are already arriving in Zaporozhye,” Tymoshenko wrote.

He thanked the volunteers who fed and helped people, as well as the drivers who had been driving for the third day .

Tymoshenko stressed that the buses are already reaching Zaporozhye, where all the evacuees will be provided with the necessary assistance.

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< p dir="ltr">It should be noted that the situation in Mariupol remains difficult. Russian invaders continue to destroy the city with all kinds of weapons.

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