Home » Buses were blocked at the Polish border. Ukraine demands reaction from Poland

Buses were blocked at the Polish border. Ukraine demands reaction from Poland

by alex

Polish protesters at the border began to block the passage of buses with passengers.

This is stated in the message of the Ministry of Development of Communities, Territories and Infrastructure of Ukraine.

In connection with the situation with the blocking of passenger transport, Minister Alexander Kubrakov held urgent negotiations with the head of the National Security Bureau of Poland, Jacek Siewera, about the inadmissibility of such actions by protesters.

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According to Kubrakov, blocking the border — this is a direct threat to the security of Ukraine.

— Such actions negatively affect our opposition to the common enemy called Russia. Women and children who sought refuge from the war and for various reasons return home cannot become hostages of business interests, noted Transport Minister Alexander Kubrakov.

In his opinion, Russian intelligence services can use such actions and examples of inhumane treatment of Ukrainians to fan an artificial conflict between Poland and Ukraine.

That is why Ukraine expects concrete actions from the Poles to solve the problem as a whole.

Deputy Minister Sergei Derkach notes that despite the stop of the blockade by Polish carriers, the situation at the border is becoming more critical.

Currently, six checkpoints remain blocked on the Polish side of the border. The most critical situation is at the Yagodin checkpoint — Dorogusk, the movement of freight transport there has completely stopped.

— Humanitarian cargo and those that quickly deteriorate, as well as fuel, are not allowed through there. This has a direct impact on our defense capabilities. Also, empty trucks traveling for critically needed goods cannot leave Ukraine through this checkpoint. They are forced to wait in a more than 15-kilometer queue at the Nizhankovichi checkpoint — Malchowice, where registration in eChergu has been suspended, — emphasized Sergei Derkach.

Which border points are blocked

Now blocked for free movement of trucks are Yagodin — Dorogusk, Ugrinov — Dolgobiczow, Ustylug — Zosin, Shegini — Medica, Rava-Russian — Grebennoe and Krakovets — Korcheva.

There are no physical exit queues on the Ukrainian side of the border. In Poland, about 3 thousand trucks are waiting on the road.

How much grain Ukraine exported grain Ukraine exported

According to Minister Kubrakov, now Ukraine, for its part, is doing a lot to minimize economic losses for Polish business. Over the last period, Ukraine exported more than 17 million tons of grain along the Black Sea grain corridor.

In January 2024, Ukraine exported only 300 thousand tons of agricultural products in transit through the territory of Poland, and most of this by rail.

On the broadcast of the national telethon One News, the minister emphasized that the Russians are already using this situation on the Polish-Ukrainian border in their propaganda, saying that not everything is good between the two countries.

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