Home » Budanov has a plan for Russia: a conversation with a major of the Armed Forces of Ukraine about the fate of Putin and the Russians

Budanov has a plan for Russia: a conversation with a major of the Armed Forces of Ukraine about the fate of Putin and the Russians

by alex

Brief version of the news

  • Ukraine is developing a plan to destroy Russian capabilities, it covers many different aspects.
  • The plan calls for support from Russian volunteers who conduct operations behind enemy lines.
  • The plan aims to show that Putin cannot protect Russians even on his own territory.
  • Ukraine’s task is to ensure that discontent among Russians scales to other regions.
  • Putin’s inner circle is dissatisfied with him and the regime as a whole, but Putin does not pay attention to this.

Ukraine has a plan for reduction of Russia's potential. It covers many different aspects, in particular the destruction of Russian critical infrastructure and airfields. The plan also provides for assistance from Russian volunteers who will continue their operations behind enemy lines.

This plan aims to demonstrate that Vladimir Putin is not capable of protecting Russians and the war can move into their homes. How this could turn out for Putin and the Russians themselves – read in the conversation of Channel 24 with Major Egor Checherinda of the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

Kirill Budanov said in an interview that if Russians think that they can sit in St. Petersburg and watch the war on TV, then it won’t work, because we will transfer it to every home. This week is a fruitful one, flying everywhere: Tatarstan, Mordovia, temporarily occupied Crimea, Samara and Rostov regions and the like. How scalable will this transfer be, and what consequences will it have for the Putin regime and his plebs?

Let's start with the last one – with Dzhankoy, this is even Ukrainian territory. The attack took place on Thursday morning using “no analogues” – the S-400 or Triumph air defense system. Four launchers were hit there, if my memory serves me correctly: 3 radars, a command post. 25 people who served this “Triumph” are completely missing, they cannot be found.

Let me remind you that the cost of this “Triumph” is one billion dollars or euros, you understand? This is a complex that was supposed to protect these positions of Russian troops, certain objects and equipment in the occupied Crimea, but it could not protect itself. You understand what we can talk about? What is the enemy’s ability to hold the lines that he occupied?

Yes, the enemy is strong, the enemy is treacherous, the enemy takes (territories – 24 Channel) with the help of its internal capabilities: mobilization, technical, financial, which are limitless. But the enemy is quite vulnerable if, with intelligence and with the help of Western high-precision weapons of a completely different class, of a different generation, he attacks similar things like this S-400 or Triumph for one billion euros.

< h2 class="anchor-link" id="Putin can't steal Russia" name="Putin can't steal Russia">Putin won't be able to protect Russia

Regarding the interview with the head of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense Kirill Budanov to The Washington Post, it is quite interesting from the point of view of the general strategy of action of the Ukrainian Defense Forces for the future.

Budanov said that we proposed a plan that aimed at reducing Russian potential. This plan consists of hitting critical military targets – which is what we have in Dzhankoy; airfields – the Belbek was also hit the day before; command and control points in Crimea were also hit.

Plus an increase in transport operations of Russian volunteers within Russia with the support of the Main Intelligence Directorate. One of these operations took place on March 12. Then three volunteer Russian units: the Freedom of Russia Legion, the RDK and the Siberian Battalion entered the territory of the Belgorod and Kursk regions. Volunteers held several settlements for a week, repelling attacks by the Russian military.

This operation was quite significant and resonant. At least according to the reaction on social networks, according to the reaction of the local population who were directly in the Belgorod and Kursk regions. People felt that there were forces of Russian origin, but not Putin’s, who were trying to help Ukraine, free Russia from Putin – to build a completely different Russia. That is, a real military armed opposition.

Because, you know, the traditional Russian opposition sits somewhere in Vilnius, Riga, or Amsterdam. They organize some kind of actions there, collect money – either for Ukraine or for their affected citizens. In Amsterdam. They also like to spend time in Riga and Vilnius. There, Garry Kasparov and Mikhail Khodorkovsky hold “free Russia” forums. They are sitting somewhere in Paris or Milan, drinking coffee and talking about the future of Russia. Like, let the Ukrainians free themselves from Putin, and then we, the Russian opposition, will come and rule.

And then real people appear who are not afraid to show their faces, who really they are fighting against Putin, helping Ukraine, liberating both Ukrainian territory and Russian territory from Putin. As I understand from this interview, these plans will be continued and implemented.

Kirill Budanov also said, and this is an important point, that Putin is not able to protect Russians even on the territory of Russia itself. It’s one thing when a person is sitting in some St. Petersburg, listening to news about the war, that somewhere far away, according to Russian media, “they managed to free the landing from the Nazis.” But it’s another thing when it flies to St. Petersburg via a local refinery. Then people are nervous in a completely different way. And they react completely differently when a Ukrainian drone arrives at Moscow City.

Our main goal now is to show and convey , in particular, to the heads of Russians that Putin is not able to protect them in Russia itself. For example, when a quarantine is announced for children in Belgorod, they are sent to home schooling. When women in labor who are about to give birth are taken from Belgorod to neighboring regions, because it is dangerous to give birth there due to constant shelling.

Despite the fact that on the eve of this raid, the Russian authorities were officially informed that such things were being prepared, so please evacuate the civilian population from these front-line territories. After which they didn’t do this and chaos began. When the military operation began, the first mass escape began; Incomprehensible actions of local authorities began – they either closed shopping centers, then opened them, then limited traffic, then did not.

Putin cannot protect Russians/Screenshot from video

Here you can also remember the latest story about the Urals – where are the units even they didn’t go in, but just a lot of water came in. It speaks in particular about Orsk and Orenburg. It turned out that neither local authorities nor central authorities are able to protect people.

Russians come to a meeting with the so-called governor of the Orenburg region, they say: “Putin, save me, Putin, help me.” And his “squire” Dmitry Peskov says that it’s very dangerous there now, when the water goes down, then we’ll come to you, but for now you figure it out yourself. This is almost a direct quote – there is no reason for President Putin to come, since it is quite dangerous there.

In the same Orsk and Orenburg, people write that there is a lot of water, but no drinking , no food. They write that there are patients there who cannot leave the house and cannot even buy food for themselves. And local authorities, central authorities simply cannot protect their people simply from a natural disaster.

First they built this dam and stole money from it. Then the water began to flow, then the local leadership says that supposedly mice dug these holes in the dam, water flowed through them and destroyed the dam. The Russians are sitting without food, without water, without anything at all – there are just ruins there. You see, when the water comes in, it leaves behind ruins. This is Russia, you see?

We need to help these citizens understand that no one will protect you in the event of an emergency. Fortunately or unfortunately, I don’t know anymore. Putin certainly doesn’t do this. Because now his main task, as he understands, is to increase the territory of the “great Russian empire.” He has no time for those who are sitting somewhere in Orsk, or in Kurgan, where the water flows, or in Orenburg. No, the main thing for him is here (the capture of Ukraine – Channel 24). He believes that this is his mission.

We must demonstrate that his mission here has failed; that Putin cannot protect his cities even in the front-line territories; that not a single person in any town in Russia, small or large, should feel safe. The war will affect each of them, each of those who so massively support this so-called “theirs”. Kirill Budanov spoke about this, as I understood from this interview. The mayor of Orsk fooled the Russians, but they didn’t make a fool of it”>The mayor of Orsk deceived the Russians, and they “swallowed it”

What should Russian society see, watching how the authorities cannot protect them? Will Russians open their eyes, can they take some steps?< /em>

We remembered Orsk, there was another scandal there. It turned out that the son of the city mayor of Orsk, Vasily Kozupitsa, not only appropriated an estate in the United Arab Emirates, but also moved and lives there.

You saw that in that Orsk – an abandoned small Ural city. And the children of the local city mayor buy estates and go to the UAE. Of course, it’s better there than in Orsk in the Urals. There is civilization, there is money, there is oil, there is everything. And for their own people they tell stories that “Russia is great, Russia will defeat everyone, the “Russian world”, bonds” and so on.

The most interesting thing is when this story surfaced, the law enforcement agencies said that they had no claims against this son, saying that everything was purchased legally. We just know the level of housing costs in the UAE, this is not even Moscow. However, all the locals “ate” this information, as if everything was in order.

People still went out to protests in Orenburg. Maybe not large-scale, but there were protests. They said maybe they should separate, maybe take a pitchfork and go ask what’s going on and why no one protected them from the floods. However, something has died down lately, we won’t see any more?

Regarding the protests in the most Russia has different opinions. I believe that they are possible – under certain circumstances, unexpectedly. Who would have known that there would be a flood in the Urals, and such a large one at that. Many of us say – never, they say, what kind of protests, this is Russia.

The Russian revolt has not been canceled – senseless and merciless. We remember that these riots happened with regularity in Russia and they really led to catastrophic consequences for the Russian government. Let us remember, for example, the same Urals, the execution of the royal family and this massacre, which was then carried out by the Bolsheviks. Who would have thought even after the First Revolution of 1905 that everything would end with the execution of the royal family:

I think that Putin should remember this fate of theirs Tsar Nicholas II and his family. I think that such a situation may well exist – under certain circumstances. And we must make sure that all circumstances work out. To discontent, this small Russian rebellion grew like a snowball, so that it scaled to other regions. This is already the task of our special services, and our intelligence, and smart people in general.

Without internal destabilization of Russia, as Budanov talks about, in the usual way – at the front, it is now extremely difficult to defeat the Russians due to their resources. I have already said: material, technical, human, financial – well, any resource.

Therefore, we must destroy this empire from the inside. In particular, by certain special operations from the sewer of this protest, the organization of this protest, which will certainly still arise. There will still be natural disasters and Ukrainian attacks on critical enterprises and critical infrastructure. Of course, there will still be a protest and it is important to lead it correctly, channel it correctly and direct it. name=”What's going on in Putin's circle”>What's happening in Putin's circle

Russian officials were banned from traveling abroad. The Kremlin government is now lowering the iron curtain for officials, deputies and government employees, prohibiting them from traveling abroad even to so-called friendly countries, not only to the West. Reuters notes that you cannot even travel to Belarus or Uzbekistan. To cross the border, government employees need permission, which is issued in exceptional cases. This could lead to something? And what is the Kremlin so afraid of?

That is, dissatisfaction with this regime and the head of Russia is still gradually crystallizing even among his circle. Of course, for people who have billions, tens of billions of money in the West, who are used to vacationing on the Cote d'Azur, Miami or Los Angeles, it is better to go there rather than to Orsk, Kineshma or Cherepovets.

What does this indicate? That he really lives in a certain information vacuum, which is formed by his immediate circle, mainly the security forces. It seems to me that he simply does not pay too much attention to the fact that this dissatisfaction of his largest business circle still exists. Even though these people do not formally express dissatisfaction.

Putin pretends that there is no discontent in his circle/Getty Images

Such restrictions on travel still affect the authority of the “Russian Tsar”. If Nicholas II was shot by the Bolsheviks, then Emperor Paul was killed by his own entourage. There are different options for ending his presidential career for Vladimir Putin. In connection with such decisions, the option of Emperor Paul is still closer.

For some reason, in at least five regions of Russia they again do not want to hold parades of the “immortal regiment” in honor of May 9 this year. For example, Kursk and Belgorod regions. They are afraid of drones? What happened?

If in Belgorod for two weeks, recalling the operation of three Russian units that had already left Russian territory, and the Russian media were still reporting that some kind of battles, shelling were underway, someone was being killed there, some kind of war was ongoing. It was difficult to understand who was fighting with whom there if these Russian rebels declared that they had already left this territory.

This information noise of the local , central government. It was already important for them to demonstrate that everyone was destroyed, all the “Russian-Ukrainian nationalists” did not pass, they were destroyed, they ceased to exist. This information noise continued for about another week.

Of course, now people are scared by what they heard for two weeks in March, in fact from the 12th to the end of March. What kind of mass demonstrations are there on May 1 or May 9, if they fly in every day from Dzhankoy, from Kazan, from Yelabuga, from cities that are actually already located in the Urals? It seems to me that this is complete nonsense.

This is suicide of local authorities. Every governor and city mayor understands that if he flies to crowded areas, they will blame him. It will not be Putin, Peskov or Shoigu who will answer. A representative of the local administration will be made responsible. Why didn’t you foresee? Why didn’t you provide security? Why didn’t you warn? And you can still end up in prison for this.

Therefore, I believe that this is a completely logical continuation of this new strategy of the struggle of the Ukrainian Defense Forces, which are now trying to hit as much as possible these important points, places of accumulation on Russian territory.

On the territory of the front, it is obvious, but at the front, due to objective reasons related to the delay of military assistance from our Western partners, we still have a certain situational advantage of the enemy, it is difficult for us to compete there. But we can compete with these special events on Russian territory. It turns out that this strategy and this type of warfare is quite effective.

In Russia, parades are canceled for May 9/Getty Images

Maybe I'm wrong, but after warnings and concerns, in particular from the head of the Pentagon, Lloyd Austin, the powerful, active attacks that were on oil refineries stopped, which worried some of our partners. After this, the aid package in the US became closer to voting.

Regarding these attacks on oil refineries, it seems that political scientist Taras Zagorodny said this: “If there is such a reaction, it means that we are doing everything right.” If you (USA – Channel 24) want us to win, you shouldn't do business with them. Your oil prices may rise, but this is a matter of our survival, not your prices.

I believe that the Ukrainian Forces have chosen the absolutely correct tactics here defense, namely the destruction of Russian oil refineries. Russia already has a fuel shortage. It may be small, but they have already limited exports. Prices have risen in Russia. Even if only slightly, they have already risen. Certain processes are beginning in Russia that, like this snowball, will grow and increase. These strikes led to a certain negative reaction from American partners. But our actions should not always please our American partners.

Recently I watched the film “Golda”, almost a documentary, a feature film about Israel's Yom Kippur War for its own independence in the early 1970s. There, too, these negotiations between the Prime Minister of Israel at that time, Golda Meir, and Henry Kissinger, who was Secretary of the United States State Department, were very well demonstrated. She asks for something, he refuses her. But she adamantly says: “Okay, even if you don’t help us, we will still do it, we will still fight.”

Here it seems to me that we need to take an example from Israel in some respects. In particular, this war in the early 70s, during which Israel was the first to be attacked, but then actually won the war. In particular, with the help of the States, which nevertheless helped Israel. They helped a lot. At first there were also persuasions not to do this, not to do that.

The US isn't always thrilled with what its allies are doing. But this does not mean that the allies should not do what is appropriate for them at the moment, a historical period of time in a certain territory.

Regarding this vote, I don't know. Every day new information comes. Still, on Saturday (April 20 – Channel 24), according to the latest information, there will be a vote. I hope that on Saturday we will receive this money, “be it a carcass or a stuffed animal.” I mean, whether on an interest-free loan or as a gift.

We just need money in any case. Let it be a loan, later it can be restructured, or written off, or negotiated for its payment in other ways. But money and weapons are needed here and immediately.

Today in Mikhailovsky they said goodbye to the famous Ukrainian writer Dmitry Kapranov. I saw a military man there who had just recently arrived from the front line. He says that we urgently need weapons. Moreover, he says that weapons are needed more than mobilization resources, rather than people. Yes, people are needed, but weapons are needed even more. This situation cannot continue for long, so we need this money. I hope that they will come to us.

Although I already said on your channel that there is great hope and hope for our European partners. The same President of the Czech Republic who collects artillery shells, Germany, Great Britain, France, which is now trying to play the first leadership role in the European coalition of Ukraine. Emmanuel Macron, with all his statements and actions, is trying to become the leader of a new Europe. I see that this is now his finest hour.

We talked a lot about the joint column of the Foreign Ministers of France and Britain. They said that “we are reviving the Entente and the new Entente will not allow Ukraine to be defeated in this war.” Where is the answer from our Foreign Ministry Dmitry Kuleba to this statement, to this column? Where is Ukraine’s answer that we are ready to support?

We are glad the restoration of a new military alliance, which is being revived after 100 years. We desperately need this help. Perhaps, at the end of the Russian-Ukrainian war, NATO will no longer be as relevant as the new Entente, or a new military alliance with France, with Britain, for example, with Poland, with the Baltic countries, with Ukraine will have a new name. < /p>

We should play too. If not first, then we must respond to the initiatives of our partners, who voice them themselves. And sometimes that's what we need. I don’t see an answer from our Ministry of Foreign Affairs, our minister to this statement of two ministers, to a joint column, who would write that we need this, this is ours, this is a brilliant idea, we will together create a new military-political alliance “Entente 2”.

Therefore, we also have questions. We also need to react more actively and propose this ourselves, to be the subject of the formation of a new European security policy. After all, it is obvious that if NATO is not living out its last days, then in the future it will no longer have such fundamental importance for its members regarding their security.

Regarding our entry into NATO, some members of the Alliance are resisting. Today I read about the statement of Robert Fico (Prime Minister of Slovakia – Channel 24), and it seems that Slovakia will never vote for Ukrainian membership in the Alliance. Then we need to form new alliances, because NATO, in my opinion, is increasingly reminiscent of the UN. This is a political structure, and this is a security structure. But the effectiveness of the two structures can, in principle, be compared.

We somehow We set ourselves only NATO at once, but we actually need to form closer relationships, closer alliances. The same Israel has been moving toward such close cooperation with the USA, Britain, and France for 30–40 years, and they have raised and attracted everything. Because it's a two-way street. It cannot be only in one direction. I understand correctly?

Obviously. I think that we need to look for new allies. They already exist. They are ready to lend a shoulder, a hand. This is the same France, Britain, the Baltic countries, the Scandinavian countries themselves, Denmark, Norway, Finland, Sweden. These are our obvious allies.

Here is a question for Ukrainian diplomacy. I'm not a diplomat, I can't say anything there. But it seems to me that for now playing with the first number or some kind of initiative from Ukraine, or even responses to partners’ initiatives is not enough.

Diplomacy also wins wars . Modern wars are not classic wars such as World War II. These are wars of special operations, wars of information-psychological operations, diplomatic wars. Therefore, we need to pay very close attention to this.

Yes, weapons, artillery shells, and airplanes are important. But modern wars are won in other ways, in particular. That is, we will not win this war with the help of airplanes and artillery shells alone. Therefore, everyone needs to become more active: diplomats, intelligence officers, information specialists, and Ukrainian journalists. To everyone.

And to ours abroad. For example, have you seen at least one demonstration, for example, under the US Congress in support of the adoption of money for the bill on providing money in Ukraine? At least one. How many Ukrainians live in the United States? Now I won’t say exactly, but I think that there are up to a million ethnic Ukrainians for sure. Where is at least one demonstration or one action in Washington? You saw? Or in New York? I don’t see it either.

Or in Europe? In Brussels? Where the European Union is. In Poland? Have you seen at least one action in Poland in support of Ukrainian agricultural producers? No, unfortunately. Therefore, we need to activate us all over the world.

A huge number of Ukrainians live abroad, but these people need to be organized. These people need to be explained, some plans need to be put into their heads in order for them to implement it. It may not sound very nice that we want to use these people. But we need to guide them.

Now is a critical moment. A moment when we must all unite. In particular, those Ukrainians who live there should help us. First of all, they should now feel like Ukrainians, and only then citizens of the United States. Because the United States is not in danger now, thank God. There is a threat to Ukraine, so they must help us now.

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