Home » Buckwheat prices are expected to rise in September: what can replace popular cereals

Buckwheat prices are expected to rise in September: what can replace popular cereals

by alex

Buckwheat may rise in price, but it can be replaced with other cereals./Channel 24 Collage

The war unleashed by Russia against Ukraine affects food prices. In particular, buckwheat can jump in price. Find out how you can replace popular cereals in your diet.

Dietitian Oksana Skitalinskaya shared her advice on the air of the Morning with Ukraine program. She told how you can replace buckwheat in your diet, channel 24 reports.

The price of buckwheat will increase in autumn

Experts' data indicate that Ukrainians prepare meals from 140,000 tons of buckwheat per year. At the same time, it should be noted that only half of this amount is grown in our country. The rest we imported from Russia.

The start of a full-scale invasion affected supplies, so buckwheat may soon become scarce. And where it can be purchased, prices for cereals will become exorbitant.

What can replace buckwheat

Oksana Skitylinskaya emphasizes that in itself buckwheat is a universal product. It combines useful substances from a number of other cereals. In particular, oatmeal, millet, rice, bulguru, lentils.

Buckwheat contains complex carbohydrates, anti-inflammatory substances rich in magnesium, potassium, and also lipotropic substances, – emphasizes Skitalinskaya.

The latter, she adds, help to remove everything superfluous from the body. We are talking about bad cholesterol.

If you need to change it in your own diet, then this can be done, for example, with oatmeal. According to nutritionists, it is this porridge that has more in common with buckwheat, if we talk about the benefits brought to the body. p>

In addition, millet can be added to the diet. Its rawness allows you to extract the maximum nutritional elements from dishes.

At the same time, Oksana Skitalinskaya emphasizes that completely exclude buckwheat from the diet is not worth it.If it really rises in price or becomes difficult to obtain, it can be mixed with other cereals. This will allow you to get even more benefit from your daily diet.

You should also remember the balance on the plate. Cereals should be supplemented with beets, carrots, herbs, and eggs. If there are no cereals themselves, then you can give preference to boiled in their uniforms or baked potatoes. It can be served with pickled vegetables and herring, for example.

Soda disappeared from the shelves in Kyiv and the region

There is a shortage of soda in the capital of Ukraine, as well as the entire Kyiv region. In the same stores where soda is still available, its cost has increased several times.

The head of the State Consumer Service of Kyiv has already commented on the situation. Oleg Ruban assured that this phenomenon is temporary. It's just that now the factories that were engaged in the manufacture of edible salt have stopped working due to hostilities. Note that most of them were located in the Donetsk and Luhansk regions.

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