Home ยป “Brothers” from the depths of Russia: who exactly is shelling the Dnipropetrovsk region

“Brothers” from the depths of Russia: who exactly is shelling the Dnipropetrovsk region

by alex

The journalist told who exactly is shelling the Dnipropetrovsk region/Collage of Channel 24

Russian invaders continue to mercilessly shell Ukraine. On the night of June 13, in the Dnepropetrovsk region, the invaders once again attacked residential areas.

This was reported to Channel 24 by a correspondent from Krivoy Rog. He noted that as a result of Russian shelling in the Dnipropetrovsk region, 1 person was killed, 5 more were injured.

Victims of shelling

According to the journalist, kafirs are shelling Dnepropetrovsk region from “Hurricane” multiple launch rocket systems. At the same time, fiends use cluster munitions banned by all international conventions.

There were many hits in civilian high-rise buildings and private houses. As a result of these attacks, 1 person was killed. Another 5 civilians were injured, the correspondent said.

As he noted, the enemy continues the tactics of long-range shelling of civilian areas, settlements and social infrastructure. In particular, the invaders are shelling the south of the Dnepropetrovsk region from the depths of the Kherson region, which they temporarily occupied.The journalist noted that there are propaganda videos on social networks, which show how infidels from the north of the Kherson region are preparing in the free territory of Ukraine with Uragan multiple launch rocket systems. However, in such false stories, the invaders emphasize that “they work exclusively on military infrastructure.”

As the journalist noted, Russian infidels are shelling civilian objects. At the same time, there is not a single military infrastructure in the south of the Dnepropetrovsk region.

Asian “liberators”

All these “liberators”, thrashing from long-range “Hurricanes”, are not of Slavic appearance. This is another confirmation of the words of those people who leave the occupied Kherson region that they have a lot of so-called “brothers” of the Asian type – Buryats, Yakuts and others from the depths of Russia. โ€“ noted the correspondent.

He noted that the invaders intensify the shelling of the Dnepropetrovsk region when the Armed Forces of Ukraine have an advance on the front. Then, in the evening or at night, the Russian monsters meanly and treacherously shoot these long-range “Hurricanes” in the Dnipropetrovsk region.

The journalist told who is shelling the Dnipropetrovsk region: watch the video

Whom Russia sends to Ukraine to die

  • Recently, experts have analyzed which regions of the aggressor country have the most military deaths in the Russian-Ukrainian war. To do this, they determined the number of losses per 100 thousand of the population in each of the regions, the average salary and its relationship with the average Russian level.
  • At the same time, experts analyzed only officially recognized losses by Russia. However, it should be remembered that the aggressor country carefully conceals the real number of those killed in the war in Ukraine.
  • According to the results of the analysis, the Republic of Buryatia is in the first place in this rating, the Republic of Tiva is in the second place, and after it is the Republic of North Ossetia Alania. That is, the aggressor country sends residents of the least developed territories to death in Ukraine, where people have neither work nor income.

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