Home » Brother and girlfriend saw everything through the window: in the Kiev region, a man raped his niece

Brother and girlfriend saw everything through the window: in the Kiev region, a man raped his niece

by alex

A resident of the Kiev region was convicted of raping his niece, he was given 9 years in prison.

This was reported by The Office of the Prosecutor General.

The case is under Part 3 of Art. 152 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.

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It is known that prosecutors proved that in December 2019, in the Fastovsky district, a 14-year-old girl came to visit her uncle. While intoxicated, the man slammed the door behind his niece and raped her.

The girl’s younger brother and girlfriend heard her screams and through the window saw the convict raping a minor. The children called her mother, who called the police.

The specified citizen is currently in custody.

— To prevent such incidents, discuss with your children potential dangerous situations and how to avoid them. Encourage children to be open and report any type of sexual abuse. Be alert to changes in their behavior. Consult a doctor, psychologist, or psychotherapist if your child’s condition causes concern. If you receive information that a child has become a victim of violence, immediately contact law enforcement agencies, the department notes.

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