Home » Britain announced its readiness to fight against Russia, but Biden restrained it, – Mirror

Britain announced its readiness to fight against Russia, but Biden restrained it, – Mirror

by alex

Zerkal noted that Great Britain wanted to go to war against Russia/Collage 24 Channel

Ukraine has been resisting Russian aggression for almost two years. As Lana Zerkal stated, Great Britain was ready to fight on the side of our state, but the United States stopped it.

Former Deputy Foreign Minister Lana spoke about this The Mirror spoke in Natalya Moseychuk's show, broadcasts Channel 24. She noted that Great Britain was ready to go to war against the aggressor country. But the United States moderated it in this impulse.

In Britain they understand the significance of the war in Ukraine

As Lana Zerkal noted, members of the House of Lords in the British Parliament declared their readiness to enter into a war against Russia. But they could not do this because the United States is against it.

In the summer of 2022, I was in parliament in London and the lords openly said: “If it weren’t for Biden’s policies, we would have openly become part of this military operation. But they are holding us back. They have an internal request that this war is conscious,” – noted the Mirror.

According to her, in Great Britain they clearly understand the global significance of the war in our country.

“When we announce that we have acquired 101 armored personnel carriers in the UK, it always arouses interest among British journalists. Britons love it when something British is fighting somewhere and helps to win,” added volunteer Sergei Prytula.

He noticed that the British are actively sending funds to the Armed Forces of Ukraine. This process especially intensified when local media began to write that we had bought equipment from Britain.

Britain announced about a large-scale aid package

Recall that on January 12, Rishi Sunak arrived in Kiev on a visit. During his trip to Ukraine, the British Prime Minister announced the largest single aid package since the start of the full-scale invasion.

UK announces largest single aid package since the outbreak of war is a £2.5 billion package, said Rishi Sunak.

It is known that the single largest aid package will include:

  • additional equipment for air defense;
  • additional anti-tank weapons;
  • additional long-range missiles;
  • thousand shells;
  • conducting exercises “for thousands more Ukrainian military.”

In addition, Vladimir Zelensky and Rishi Sunak agreed on drones. Our government will receive £200 million so we can build thousands of drones.

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