Home » Breakthrough of volunteers to Russia: which cities and villages they control

Breakthrough of volunteers to Russia: which cities and villages they control

by alex

Which settlements are controlled by volunteers/Collage 24 Channel

Russian volunteers have continued to operate in the Kursk and Belgorod regions of Russia since March 12. They told in which cities they were. operations.

Where are the volunteers in Russia

Alexey Baranovsky spoke on March 15 about the battle in the Russian border village of Tetkino in the Kursk region. In particular, there was an active shooting battle in the area of ​​the railway station.

According to a fighter Russian aircraft are bombing Russian territory, thinking there are volunteers there. However, the military man says that in fact at the time of the attack there were no more fighters there.

They (Russian army – Channel 24) behave the same way they behaved on the territory of Ukraine – they do not take into account losses among the civilian population, destruction and the like. According to our information, unfortunately, there are many wounded among the civilian population. All the wounded are taken to the hospital in the village of Glushkovo, north of Tetkino in the Kursk region: both local residents and conscripts. The Glushkovo hospital is now overcrowded, there is not enough blood there,” said the fighter.

He explained that the overall situation is difficult.

Alexey Baranovsky answered the question in which cities and villages are Russian volunteers currently located. According to him, you can focus on the map that the fighters published in their Telegram channel. We are talking about a map of a humanitarian corridor for the evacuation of residents of border areas.

From Tetkino to Grayvoron and Shebekino (an extended section of the Russian border in the Kursk and Belgorod regions – 24 Channel) is all a gray zone in which fighting continues,” Baranovsky said.

According to him, in the Belgorod region, the main epicenter is a Russian village, which is located directly on the border of Kozinka and Grayvoron, which is somewhat further from the border.

“Kozinka is already completely under the control of the uprising forces. Clashes continue (as of March 15 – Channel 24) in the Grayvoron area,” the fighter said.

Map of border areas where Russian volunteers may be/Telegram channel legion “Freedom of Russia”

Russian volunteers called on Russians to evacuate

  • Russian volunteers have been calling on residents of the Kursk and Belgorod regions to evacuate since March 13, because they warned that they would attack Russian military targets. After all, it is from these territories that the Kremlin is shelling Ukraine.
  • Already on March 14, they began to write that the regional authorities of the Kursk and Belgorod regions were blocking the evacuation of people.
  • Subsequently, on the evening of March 14, volunteers published a map and called on residents of all settlements depicted there to evacuate in order to preserve life and health.
  • In addition, in the evening against On March 15 and the evening of March 16, volunteers announced that civilians could leave the Belgorod and Kursk regions along the humanitarian corridor. The Russians had time from 21:00 to 7:00 the next day.
  • As of March 15, volunteers said that almost 8 thousand Russians used the exit corridor.

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