Home » Both are fed up with Putin's nuclear threats: Biden and Xi Jinping will meet at a summit in San Francisco

Both are fed up with Putin's nuclear threats: Biden and Xi Jinping will meet at a summit in San Francisco

by alex

Biden and Xi are tired of Putin’s nuclear threats / Collage 24 Channel / Getty Images / AA

US President Joe Biden and Chinese President Xi Jinping are due to meet in San Francisco on November 15 at the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation summit. First of all, the leaders of the countries will discuss Russia and decide what to do with it.

Because both are tired of Vladimir Putin’s nuclear threats. Political scientist Nikolai Davidyuk shared these thoughts with Channel 24 , adding that this summit will be anti-Russian.

Xi and Biden can move from words to action

“We are waiting for November 15. A really big meeting of the two strongest politicians that exist now; a meeting of two very powerful economies; a meeting of the two largest armies in the world,” the political scientist said.

According to him, the Kremlin’s constant threats to use nuclear weapons are throwing both Biden and Xi off balance. After all, such statements affect economic growth and the security situation in general. In the end, Russia is not so subjective as to be taken into account.

A recent Financial Times article is worth noting. The discussion was about the following: France, the USA, Britain calmed down Putin’s nuclear threats, which were later joined by Chinese leader Xi Jinping – this can be considered as a stage of the conversation.

Can they move to the action stage? Maybe they have more tools. And the United States and Xi have no less influence on Russian territory than Putin. This also needs to be understood. If they want to “rock” him together, believe me, this is a month of time. Therefore, creating a new Prigozhin or promoting a new Prigozhin is not a problem at all,” Davidyuk emphasized.

Davidyuk suggested that Xi and Biden will decide at the summit: watch video

Putin's presidency is under threat

According to Davidyuk, Vladimir Putin demonstrated institutional weakness. And already in December 2023, the head of the Kremlin enters a dangerous situation – the presidential elections in Russia. Therefore, in all likelihood, Putin could be listed on the ballot but not elected, which Washington and Beijing could orchestrate. Since it is even easier to raise a protest among millions of people in Russia than in Iran.

Making a million-dollar rally in Russia is not difficult. We see protests in Dagestan, we see many other things. They can get out of control and lead to the fact that Putin may cease to be president if they (Biden and Xi – Channel 24) make such a decision,” the political scientist noted.

In addition, the suspension of communication between the US and China at the military level is dangerous for the world. After all, two powerful forces must have common communication, connection and the temperature of relations, which Russia knocks out of the normal level.

For us, this is a useful summit that will make decisions, in particular, against Russia. I really hope that they will move from talk to action. And not just to pacify Putin, but to put him in his place, very harshly and rudely, as they know how to do,” Nikolai Davidyuk emphasized.

Summit in San Francisco: what is known

  • The White House confirmed a meeting between Biden and Xi Jinping on November 15. The heads of state will discuss bilateral relations, the need to keep lines of communication open and approach competition responsibly.
  • The Wall Street Journal newspaper wrote on October 23, citing sources, that the Chinese Foreign Minister arrived in Washington to prepare for Xi Jinping’s visit and meeting with Biden.
  • US State Department spokesman Matthew Miller said in October that Putin's appearance at the APEC summit in San Francisco could result in him being prosecuted not only under an International Criminal Court warrant, but also through other mechanisms.

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