Home » Borders to be closed for Russian men after quasi-referendums – media

Borders to be closed for Russian men after quasi-referendums – media

by alex

Russian men will soon be banned from leaving the territory of Russia, where the so-called partial mobilization has been announced. The Kremlin plans to take a retaliatory step after it holds fake “referendums” in the occupied territories of Ukraine.

A source told Meduza journalists that men of mobilization age will be banned from leaving Russia. close to the presidential administration of Russia.

Russians will have to go to the military registration and enlistment office to go abroad

It is reported that the probable date for the introduction of the ban is September 28. Another source, who is also close to Putin's administration, says that the ban will be introduced after the “referenda” held in the occupied territories of Ukraine.

The Russians plan to complete the staging of the expression of will on the evening of September 27.

Meduza's interlocutor noted that so-called “exit visas” will be introduced in Russia. That is, in order to leave Russia, Russians liable for military service will have to obtain permission from the military registration and enlistment office.

It should be noted that Russians have already begun to be forbidden to leave their country. Photos of documents have appeared on the network in which men are explained why they are not allowed to leave.

Russians are no longer allowed to go abroad/Photo Operative Armed Forces of Ukraine

Russians are forced to sign documents explaining to them why they are not allowed to go abroad.

Russians are not allowed to go abroad/Photo Operative Armed Forces of Ukraine

Russia is holding fake “referendums”

In September, the Ukrainian military launched a swift counter-offensive, thanks to which they almost completely de-occupied the Kharkiv region. Also, our defenders are trying to dislodge the invaders in the South of Ukraine.

Against the background of the counter-offensive of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Russia decided to hold pseudo-referendums, which were postponed for several months. In particular, on September 19, the Gauleiters in the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine announced the so-called “referendum”.

They plan to appeal to Vladimir Putin to include the occupied territories of Ukraine into Russia. Putin has already promised to support fake “referendums”.

Ukrainian Foreign Ministry called for strengthening sanctions against Russia because of the so-called “referendums”. Also, through fake “referendums” Ukraine convenes an urgent meeting of the UN Security Council.

Note that world leaders assured Ukraine of their support and stressed that they would not recognize any fiction of infidels. Also, US President Joe Biden said that America condemns pseudo-referendums and will never recognize the annexation of Ukrainian territories by Russia.

Putin announced mobilization in Russia

  • Due to the successful counteroffensive of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the insane losses in Russia on September 21 announced a partial mobilization. Russia officially plans to call up 300,000 reservists.
  • However, information appeared in the Russian opposition media that they plan to call up 1-1.2 million people.

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