Home » Border guards found the bodies of two drowned people in Tisza

Border guards found the bodies of two drowned people in Tisza

by alex

In Transcarpathia, while patrolling the Ukrainian-Romanian border, border guards discovered the bodies of two men in the Tisza River.

As the press service of the State Border Service reported, they were discovered on the evening of April 27.

Border guards found the bodies of two men in Tisza

Rescuers from the State Emergency Service and members of the National Police were called to the scene of the incident. The State Border Guard Service noted that due to strong currents and high rapids, it was only possible to get the drowned men out of the water in the morning.

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As of now, the identities of the dead are being established.

Border guards urged people to refrain from such travel, as it could be life-threatening.

– Despite the decrease in the water level in the Tisza, swimming across it is extremely dangerous, especially at night. Sharp stones, rhizomes and remains of trees, rapid and cold currents can cause harm to life and health, — noted in the Western regional department of the State Border Guard Service.

Since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, this is the 24th death of men who tried to cross the river.

Recall that on April 24, the Verkhovna Rada voted in general for increasing the number of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine by 15 thousand military personnel.

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