Home ยป Bolton spoke about the shocking trust trump to Putin

Bolton spoke about the shocking trust trump to Putin

by alex

John Bolton

The trust that the President of the United States, Donald trump has shown to Russian President Vladimir Putin at the meeting in Helsinki was summoned his national security adviser John Bolton greatest shock for all time. About it dismissed Bolton told Business Insider.

Former adviser believes that the situation has mostly shown how trump is not good for the tenure of the U.S. President. According to him, he and other employees of the administration were shocked at how the leader talked to Putin: they tried to explain why the press in Washington is displeased, but the President allegedly refused to understand.

“The President didn’t seem to understand that people may not like how he equated what he says Putin, that said the intelligence community” โ€” leads the publication the words of Bolton.

In July it became known that another former employee of trump, Roger stone plans to write a book about his “collusion with Russia.”

Bolton was dismissed from the American administration in September 2019, then trump said that he and many members of his team disagree with the policy proposals. He was the author of the controversial book “the Room where it happened: memories of the White house.”

In April 2019, was published the full report of spectracolor Robert Mueller about Russian intervention in the US presidential elections in 2016. The findings suggest that Moscow was really influenced them โ€” in particular, the Russian GRU (GU) gave to WikiLeaks materials of the US Democratic party. The subject of the investigation were also a possible link trump and the Russian government. The authors of the report concluded that collusion between trump and Russia was not.

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