Home » Bolton called trump immoral President

Bolton called trump immoral President

by alex

John Bolton

A former adviser to the US President for homeland security John Bolton talked about his book, “the Room where it happened: memories of the White house” and commented on the actions of the American leader is Donald trump. His words are quoted by the newspaper El Pais.

Bolton called trump immoral President because he focuses on how to get elected for a second term, and not on the real problems of the United States. According to the former adviser, the American leader is not always based on what would be best for the country.

As an example, he cited negotiations with North Korea on denuclearization. According to Bolton, trump has taken several bad decisions that will not lead to a peace Treaty, but rather to increase the nuclear Arsenal of Pyongyang. In addition, the American leader doesn’t even know when was the divided Korean Peninsula and from what countries have nuclear weapons.

In December last year it became known that North Korea plans to adopt a tough policy against the United States, including to withdraw from talks on the denuclearization. The new measures had become a “Christmas gift” of Pyongyang to Washington.

John Bolton, former adviser to the President on national security, was dismissed from the American administration in September 2019, then trump said that he and many members of his team disagree with many of the policy proposals. He was the author of the controversial book “the Room where it happened: memories of the White house.”

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