Home » Bodies of Ukrainians Missing After Hurricane Found in US: Son and Grandmother Still Being Searched For

Bodies of Ukrainians Missing After Hurricane Found in US: Son and Grandmother Still Being Searched For

by alex

The bodies of two Ukrainians from Kherson, who went missing after Hurricane Helen in North Carolina, have been found in the US.

Bodies of two Ukrainians from Kherson found in the US after hurricane

According to USA Today, a search party found the body of 41-year-old Anastasia about 15 km from her home , where the family settled in a small town in North Carolina.

She was identified by a gold earring in her ear. Nothing remains of the blue house by the river where the Segen family lived.

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— We saw the earring and everyone froze. It was the moment when we couldn't think of anything else, no crazy scenarios. There was proof that they didn't survive, — shared Anastasia's niece, Liza Gindinova.

The body of Anastasia's husband, 40-year-old Dmitry, was found about 1.5 km away. His identity was established by fingerprints.

The search for 13-year-old son Evgeny and his 80-year-old grandmother Tatyana, Anastasia's mother, is still ongoing. They are still missing.

Anastasia's niece, who lives in Brooklyn, kept her cell phone in her hand after the hurricane. She updated local social media groups with the names of rescued residents and called authorities.

The last time Lisa Gindinova spoke to her aunt was on the evening of September 26, when Hurricane Helen was just approaching North Carolina.

— She said the water in the river was rising. And she joked that she hoped their Titanic, meaning their house, would hold up, — recalls Lisa.

Since then, Anastasia and Dmitry's phones have not been answered.

How a family of Ukrainians from Kherson ended up in the USA

The Segen family left Kherson at the beginning of the full-scale war.

Anastasia, her husband Dmitry, 13-year-old son Evgeniy and grandmother Tatyana left Ukraine after the invasion of Russian troops.

First they left for Poland, and then for the USA. The family settled in the mountainous area of ​​western North Carolina because Segen's sister and brother-in-law lived there.

However, on September 26, Hurricane Helen began to rage in North Carolina, causing significant damage in the United States.

Later, it became known that a family of Ukrainians from Kherson went missing in the United States after the storm.

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