Home » Blocking the border with Poland: what local farmers did with trucks for the Ukrainian Armed Forces

Blocking the border with Poland: what local farmers did with trucks for the Ukrainian Armed Forces

by alex

What did Polish farmers do with trucks for the APU/Nazar Smyk

Farmer protests over Ukrainian grain continue in Poland. The protesters continue to blockade the border, which creates situations where military equipment is delayed for our defenders.

Polish farmers blocked the border for the second time trucks for the Ukrainian Armed Forces. This was reported on March 3 by Ukrainian Nazar Smyk, who lives in the UK and purchases military and industrial equipment for Ukraine.

What the Ukrainian said

Smyk said that Polish farmers are again not letting trucks through for the Ukrainian military. We are talking about 2 trucks. He also shared a photo of these cars standing in line in front of the Medica-Shegini checkpoint.

Polish farmers did not allow these vehicles for the Ukrainian Armed Forces to pass through/Photo by Nazar Smyk

In a comment to the publication, Smyk explained that his 2 trucks are being transported by the Ukrainian Armed Forces 4 Daf military trucks. According to him, these are already paid for and demilitarized military trucks that go to one of the funds. These vehicles will be distributed on the spot between brigades, among which is the 12th Special Purpose Brigade “Azov” of the National Guard of Ukraine.

The Poles said, that they won't miss it. I spoke to the embassy, ​​they said that the entire border was closed. The police tried to transfer the trucks to the second checkpoint, but there they let through one truck per hour, if I go there, I’ll be stuck for several days,” he explained.

This is not the first time

As the publication notes, previously Polish farmers also did not allow Nazar Smyk’s trucks to pass through. Last time, his transport with military equipment for the Ukrainian Armed Forces stood for 3 days near the border.

Then the Ukrainian was transporting trucks to the artillerymen, designed for quickly unloading ammunition at positions. They were allowed through only after wide publicity.

What is happening on the border with Poland

  • Recently, the representative of the State Border Guard Service Andrei Demchenko said on a telethon that as of March 3, due to protests, all 6 directions at checkpoints with Poland were blocked. Because of this, about 2,400 trucks are standing in queues.
  • According to him, now only trucks going to Ukraine are allowed through. Trucks traveling in the direction of Poland are not allowed to cross the border.
  • We would like to remind you that on March 1, a conflict occurred between Ukrainian drivers and the Polish police near the Korchowa checkpoint. Consul General of Ukraine in Lublin Oleg Kuts said that it was possible to reduce tension and convince local law enforcement officers not to apply sanctions.

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