Home » Blocking passenger buses at the border plays into Russia’s hands, – Kubrakov on possible consequences

Blocking passenger buses at the border plays into Russia’s hands, – Kubrakov on possible consequences

by alex

Kubrakov spoke about the possible consequences of blocking passenger buses/Collage 24 Channel< p _ngcontent-sc90 class="news-annotation">On Monday, February 19, a video was published online showing Polish protesters blocking the passage of buses with passengers. Minister of Development of Communities, Territories and Infrastructure Alexander Kubrakov spoke about the possible consequences of such actions.

Previously, Ukraine responded to an incident with blocking of passenger buses. Minister Alexander Kubrakov has already held negotiations with the Polish side, namely with the head of the Polish Security Bureau, Jacek Siewera.

Actions that play into the hands to the enemy

Journalists asked Minister Kubrakov about urgent negotiations with the Polish side, about the content of the conversation with his Polish colleague and whether our Polish partners understand the inadmissibility of the protesters’ actions.

Kubrakov noted that blocking trucks is not acceptable. He noted that Ukraine, for its part, is doing everything possible to minimize “any possible economic losses for Polish farmers, agrarians and businesses.”

According to him, the current last period, we exported more than 17 million tons of agricultural products through our Black Sea corridor.

He also noted that in January we exported only 300,000 tons of agricultural products in transit through Poland , the majority of the total volume is by rail.

When the blocking of our passenger buses and trains began, we say that this is unacceptable . This plays into Russia’s hands; Moscow can take advantage of it. The blockade is taking place on the Polish side and only Polish law enforcement officers can restore order there,” said Kubrakov.

He also added that Russia is already taking advantage of this crisis by promoting narratives about a quarrel between Poland and Ukraine. In addition, the minister said that Russia may be preparing additional provocations on the border.

What is known about the negotiations with the Polish side < /h2>

Video materials were distributed online showing how passenger buses were not allowed through at the Polish border. So, you can see that the protesters completely blocked the road. According to Minister Alexander Kubrakov, blocking transport on the Polish border will have dire socio-political consequences for both countries.

Accordingly, he held urgent negotiations with the head of the Polish Security Bureau, Jacek Siewera . During the conversation, the Ukrainian minister noted that the blockade of passenger transport at the border is unacceptable.

“Blocking the border is a direct threat to the security of the country defending itself. Such actions negatively affect our opposition to enemy called Russia,” he noted. According to him, “we expect concrete actions from our Polish colleagues to prevent such situations and solve the problem in general.”

Deputy Minister Sergei Derkach noted that despite the suspension of the blockade with on the part of Polish carriers, the situation at the border becomes even more critical. Therefore, he is in constant contact with the Polish Deputy Minister, Pavel Gancazh.

As Derkach noted, 6 checkpoints are now blocked. The most critical situation is at the Yagodin-Dorogusk checkpoint. Now the movement of freight transport there is completely blocked.

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