Home » Black smoke billows, the roof has collapsed: a factory is on fire in Moscow

Black smoke billows, the roof has collapsed: a factory is on fire in Moscow

by alex

In Moscow, on Otkrytoye Shosse, a specialized car plant is on fire.

A number of media outlets write about this.

According to preliminary information, the fire occurred in the administrative and industrial building.

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It is known that the fire covered 500 square meters – the fire was assigned the second rank of complexity. The flame spreads intensively throughout the warehouse. There was a partial collapse of the roof. Preliminarily, there were no casualties.

The company is one of the top 10 trailer manufacturers in Europe.

Fires break out in Russia from time to time. Thus, recently in Rostov-on-Don the largest clothing store Temernik market was on fire.

In addition, at the Chelyabinsk Tractor Plant, where military equipment is probably repaired, after A powerful explosion also raged a fire.

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