Home ยป Biolaboratories of the EU and HIV experiments in Ukraine: the Russian Ministry of Defense came up with a new insanity

Biolaboratories of the EU and HIV experiments in Ukraine: the Russian Ministry of Defense came up with a new insanity

by alex

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The Russians do not give up their senile versions about the deployment of American biological laboratories in Ukraine. After the fighting mosquitoes and the withdrawal of the coronavirus, the invaders came up with a fable about HIV experiments.

According to Russian media, this was announced at a briefing by the head of the troops of radiation, chemical and biological defense of Russia Igor Kirillov. He assured the Russians that “the active actions of the Ministry of Defense were able to stop the implementation of the US military biological programs on the territory of Ukraine”, reports Channel 24.

What other nonsense did Kirillov say

According to the occupier, the United States delivered military biological equipment from Ukraine to Poland and the Baltic States. The biggest “bashkvar” that Kirillov published is that American scientists conducted experiments related to HIV infection on the territory of Ukraine.

The head of the biological defense forces decided that the compilation fairy tales about the war in Ukraine are not enough, so he added that the US leadership hid involvement in the outbreak of fever in 1977 in Cairo.

A few more “proven statements” from Kirillov:

  • Ukrainian specialists – participants in military biological activities relocated to the West in 2022 as witnesses of violations;
  • Manufacturers of mRNA vaccines in the United States were prepared for a pandemic in advance;
  • At the beginning of the year, local residents of Lisichansk discovered a large-scale burial of the remains of biomaterials belonging to the Pharmbiotest company;
  • The United States aims to create bioweapon components and test them in Ukrainian;
  • The EU is promoting the initiative to deploy biological laboratories on the territory of the former USSR;
  • Morphine for the Ukrainian military was smuggled.
  • The coronavirus pandemic developed according to the scenario of the US Event 201 exercises, which raises the question of US involvement in the spread of coronavirus ;

Schizophrenia of Russian propaganda

At the briefing, Kirillov stated that the American company Ecohealth Alliance has been working since 2015 to enhance pathogenic properties coronaviruses and their transmission from animals to humans.

Although not so long ago, a Russian biker reported that a virus modified by the Americans caused the death of 80% of sick model animals. And they worked on it at Boston University.

Moreover, he said that the United States is funding the study of anthrax in the Ukrainian biological laboratory. In fact, we are talking about the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of this disease. There are such laboratories in Russia, for example, at the Stavropol Research Institute.

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