Home ยป Bild claims that Kadyrov has serious health problems

Bild claims that Kadyrov has serious health problems

by alex

Putin's most loyal dog, and at the same time the self-proclaimed leader of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov, is probably seriously ill. According to journalists, the point is not only that he needs regular visits to a psychiatrist because of his thirst for murder and blood, but also to doctors who are responsible for the kidneys.

It should be noted that on February 21, the President of Russia delivered a message to the Federal Assembly and there were not many officials at this event, in particular, Kadyrov. Obviously, he could not appear there due to illness.

Kadyrov does not trust Russian doctors

According to the media, over the past few months, Kadyrov has gained a lot of weight, and the video shows that he really cannot open his eyes. Actually, most likely Kadyrov has serious kidney problems. At least, this is what the former Deputy Prime Minister of Chechnya, Akhmad Zakayev, who lives in exile, claims.

Kidney problems explain his bloated body. They say that Kadyrov even brought a doctor from the United Arab Emirates to Chechnya, because he does not trust doctors in Russia, Bild stated, citing Akhmad Zakayev.

Probably, we are talking about a physician named Yassin Ibrahim M. El-Shahat. He is the Chief Physician of the Kidney Department at Burjeel Hospital in Abu Dhabi. He flew to Grozny, the capital of Chechnya, to treat Kadyrov just when Putin was speaking.

Note! Sometimes Ramzan Kadyrov, of course, can look vigorous and active, but this is explained by the fact that he is pumped up with stimulants. According to Bild, the self-proclaimed leader of Chechnya is already addicted to these and other pills.

Putin is also sick: intelligence officers confirm

  • To this topic, we recall that from time to time there are reports in the media that the president of a hostile state, Vladimir Putin, suffers from various diseases. Already even in the Main Directorate confirmed that this is so.
  • The head of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, Major General Vadim Skibitsky, stated that the Russian dictator was seriously ill and therefore the Kremlin was forced to drag out the doubles of the bunker grandfather into the arena.
  • In addition, Andrey Yusov, the speaker of the GUR, noted that Putin has long been terminally ill, like the rest of Russian society.

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