Home » Betting on Russia's defeat: can Chinese leader Xi Jinping visit Kyiv

Betting on Russia's defeat: can Chinese leader Xi Jinping visit Kyiv

by alex

After China unveiled its “peace plan”, Volodymyr Zelensky said he would like to meet with Xi Jinping. It is possible that such a meeting could actually take place.

This opinion was expressed by political scientist Valentin Gladkikh to Channel 24 . According to him, China's “peace plan” showed that this country does not take a pro-Russian position.

At the same time, China's policy is not overtly pro-Ukrainian. Gladkikh suggested that at a certain stage, China would be open to contacts with Kiev.

Where Zelensky and Xi Jinping can meet

The political scientist noted that sooner or later Vladimir Zelensky will meet with Xi Jinping.

It is possible that the Chinese leader may fly to us. But the prerequisites for this have not yet matured,” Gladkikh noted.

He also added that it is also unlikely that the visit of the President of Ukraine to China could take place in the near future.

“Perhaps a more productive and realistic scenario is when Zelensky and Xi Jinping meet somewhere on the sidelines of some kind of summit or a certain international meeting . Although I would not rule out either the possibility of Zelensky's visit to China, or Mr. Xi's visit to Kiev “, – said the political scientist.

Please note – An unexpected guest from the USA is in Kyiv: watch the video

Russia's Defeat Offers More Opportunities for China than Risks

China is trying to maintain a supposedly neutral stance on the war in Ukraine. According to Gladkikh, one should not be outraged that Beijing does not take the side of Ukraine. After all, at the same time, the Chinese authorities do not support Russia.

As Gladkikh noted, China can weigh the balance of power and take into account who made what stake in this war.

I do not think that China is now ready to bet on the victory of Russia, realizing that most of the powerful in the world have just bet on the defeat of Russia. the political scientist said.

Gladkikh believes that for China, the defeat of Russia in this war opens up more prospects than risks.

Beijing looks at Russian lands as prey

According to the political scientist, Beijing looks at Russia and its vast expanses as its potential prey. This does not mean that China will encroach on Russian territories by military means.

However, the Chinese are already trying to force a lot out of Russia, even when Moscow has not yet suffered a final defeat on the battlefield. Gladkikh noted.

He added that we can see the final defeat of Russia in the war against Ukraine in the foreseeable future.

Is a meeting between Zelensky and Xi Jinping possible? Briefly

  • On February 24, at a press conference “February. The Year of Indestructibility,” President Volodymyr Zelensky stressed that he was eager to meet personally with Xi Jinping. The head of state also noted that Ukraine and China are interested in maintaining relations.
  • Beijing has already responded to this proposal. Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Mao Ning said that China has always maintained contact with all sides of the Russian-Ukrainian “conflict”. However, China did not give a direct answer to whether the Chinese leader could meet with the President of Ukraine.
  • Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Ukraine to China in 1999-2001 Ihor Lytvyn believes that a meeting between Zelensky and Xi Jinping is quite likely. In his opinion, the sooner such a meeting takes place, the greater the hope that the PRC will move away from the general calls for peace and, finally, begin to perceive the war in Ukraine differently.

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