Home » Bets are made, this is the decisive stage of the war, – Piontkovsky on Putin's immediate goal

Bets are made, this is the decisive stage of the war, – Piontkovsky on Putin's immediate goal

by alex

Piontkovsky on Putin's immediate goal/Channel 24 Collage

Putin's next target in the war against Ukraine will be Slavyansk. And in parallel with this, the Armed Forces of Ukraine continue their counteroffensive in the South and do not hide their intentions to liberate Kherson.

The dismissal of Kherson will be decisive

Russian publicist Andrei Piontkovsky told Channel 24 about this. According to him, the stakes have already been made – these are Russian intentions to take Slovyansk against Ukrainian plans to liberate Kherson.

This, according to the publicist, will be the decisive stage of the war. After all, the liberation of the South, along with Kherson, will entail a huge psychological shock in Russia. This will affect both the deep “television” people, because Russian propagandists will be forced to “put their tongues in one place”, and the highest ranks. In particular, of course, the loss of control over Kherson will make a very serious impression “in the bunker”. /p>

So the publicist considers the prospects for the war for the next month and a half to be exactly the same – Kherson or Slavyansk. “Of course, you and I are convinced that Kherson. And for some reason Putin still hopes that Slavyansk is,” he summed up.

When Kherson will be fired

Besides, Piontkovsky even suggested when exactly Ukrainian forces would sack Kherson. He believes that this will happen in the second half of August and will be the beginning of a dramatic period of the fall of Russia.

Putin has no resources, namely personnel for further offensive operations. It is important for him to take Slavyansk, but for this there are not enough high-quality reserves. To get them, you need to mobilize, and the Russian dictator cannot do this.

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