Home » Belarus, on Kremlin's orders, has begun testing its army's combat capability

Belarus, on Kremlin's orders, has begun testing its army's combat capability

by alex

In Belarus, a active verification of the army and military equipment's preparation for combat missions.

The Ministry of Defense reports this republics.

— Verification measures will be systematically increased with the use of all Armed Forces training grounds for the performance of combat training missions, — indicated in message.

Personnel, including those liable for military service called up from the reserve, will have to carry out a full range of activities to prepare weapons, military and special equipment for use, and also to go to the designated areas.

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Combat training in Belarus — how is the Kremlin involved here

As the Center for Countering Disinformation notes in its Telegram channel, this entire initiative of the Belarusian Defense Ministry is being carried out on direct orders from the Kremlin с with the aim of creating tension on the border of the Republic of Belarus with Ukraine.

As analysts have already reported, the main threat that exists from Belarus for our country & #8212; informational.

Thus, despite the imitation of vigorous activity, no combat reserves capable of direct invasion are recorded on the border of Belarus with Ukraine.

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