Home » Belarus has deployed 7 battalions on the border, and also attracted units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs – Demchenko

Belarus has deployed 7 battalions on the border, and also attracted units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs – Demchenko

by alex

Belarus deployed 7 battalions on the border/BelTA

The situation on the border of Ukraine and Belarus remains extremely tense, but controlled by Ukrainian forces. Belarus is strengthening the sector on the border with Ukraine, where it has concentrated 7 battalions at once.

The representative of the State Border Service of Ukraine Andriy Demchenko announced the relevant information on the Rada channel, Channel 24 reports.

Ukraine is monitoring the actions of Belarus

Andrey Demchenko said that the border with Belarus is a section that is extremely tense. At the same time, he stressed that the situation remains under control.

Of course, we see that the Belarusian authorities say that they are strengthening the border with Ukraine and the Belarusian armed forces are present there, – said the speaker of the State Border Service.

Demchenko noted that, according to the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense, Belarus is strengthening the section of the border with Ukraine and deployed about 7 battalions in this direction.

“According to our information, Belarus is also attracting units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in this direction to strengthen “, – said the speaker of the GNSU.

Ukraine does not record forces sufficient for an offensive

Andrei Demchenko said that the Ukrainian side does not currently detect a strike force from Belarus that could invade Ukraine.

According to Demchenko, the Ukrainian Defense Ministry noted that Russian units are in Belarus. But Ukraine does not have exact information about their number.

The speaker of the GNSU stressed that the threat of missile attacks on the territory of Ukraine remains from the territory of Belarus.

Ukraine does not exclude that Belarus will join the war

Military exercises are planned to be held in Belarus at the end of June. Demchenko commented on the information whether the so-called exercises increase the threat of invasion of Belarus and the number of shelling from its territory.

Ukraine has never ruled out that the armed forces from Belarus will join Russian aggression, – he replied.

The speaker of the GNSU stressed that the Ukrainian forces are doing everything possible to reinforce this direction. He also said that the actions of Belarus now are of a demonstrative nature, so that Ukraine leaves the necessary amount of forces and does not overturn them in more important areas.

Belarusian troops are brought to the highest levels of combat readiness

    < li> The General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine on June 11 also reported that the situation on the border with Belarus is still tense. At present, the Belarusian troops are being brought to the highest levels of combat readiness.
  • The General Staff noted that they are working out practical measures for the reception of those liable for military service, as well as removing weapons and military equipment from storage.
  • Ukrainian intelligence said that on June 7, the armed forces of Belarus began regular combat readiness exercises. The main goal of the training is to “transition from peacetime to wartime”.
  • According to the latest information from observers, the Belarusian troops have begun to conduct much more training activities. Habitual workouts are continuous. The response forces and the transportation of Belarusian units to the border areas have already been checked three times.

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