Home » Belarus and Russia have begun “defending” the union state and may resort to “strategic deterrence”

Belarus and Russia have begun “defending” the union state and may resort to “strategic deterrence”

by alex

Russia and Belarus continue to go crazy. These two countries began the so-called “defense” of the union state. Moreover, the Ministry of Defense of Belarus noted a possible “strategic deterrence”.

Belarus continues to talk about a possible attack by Ukraine, reports Channel 24with reference to local media. And, they say, it was for this that the country thought about its protection. Although we all know perfectly well that the corresponding movements are made only to slow down the counteroffensive of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

They are worried about some kind of “collective security”

< p class="bloquote cke-markup">I want to assure all those present: we, the people in uniform, clearly know our task, we control the situation, we are carrying out a set of preventive measures, first of all, to fulfill the task set by the head of state,” Defense Minister Viktor Khrenin said during a speech at the Minsk Tractor Plant.< /p>

He also noted that the regional grouping of troops (RGV), as well as the forces of Belarus and Russia, had already begun to deploy and carry out tasks. They concern the armed defense of the so-called union state.

Belarus is so boiled up that they are already working out different scenarios for the deployment of the RGV:

  • all systems are being launched if the country is in imminent danger;
  • or do it in stages, taking into account the situation.

Thus, the Minister of Defense noted that now the deployment of the Russian Geographical Society is taking place in stages. Like, no critical threat is observed. At the same time, he continued about “ensuring security along the entire perimeter of the borders of the union state”.

The enemy seems to be reacting to opponents

According to the standard methodology, Belarus not going to attack anyone. Like, all these are preventive measures that should to prevent armed conflicts on the territory of the country itself. In particular, against the background of some kind of activity that the country observes at its borders. In addition, they focused on “strategic deterrence”, which demonstrates the readiness of the country's military.

During his speech, Khrenin was quite cynical. He noted that “it is more expedient not to saber-rattling, but to sit down at the negotiating table and negotiate.” This is said by a representative of a country whose self-proclaimed president threatens to either conduct military exercises or prepare aircraft for transporting nuclear weapons.

Recall that more aviation units from the aggressor country began to arrive in Belarus. It is not known for certain why the military from Russia was also transferred to the country. But it is known for sure that they will be part of the regional grouping of troops. And this means that enemy aircraft can continue to fly along the borders and, possibly, inflict “preventive” strikes, which Lukashenka spoke about so much.

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