Home » Beijing Will Be Unhappy: What Could Drive a Wedge Between China and Russia

Beijing Will Be Unhappy: What Could Drive a Wedge Between China and Russia

by alex

Beijing Will Be Unhappy: What Could Drive a Wedge Between China and Russia Angela Figin

While China and Brazil are promoting their peace plan to resolve the war in Ukraine, which is only beneficial to Russia, Kyiv is actively preparing for the Second Peace Summit, to which it plans to invite Beijing and Moscow.

From a diplomatic point of view, this is a pretty strong move by Kyiv. In a conversation with 24 Channel, political scientist and sociologist from Germany Igor Eidman assessed how important it is to see representatives from China at the Second Peace Summit. Let us recall that in July, the head of the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry made his first bilateral visit to China since 2012.

Ukraine's Tactics towards China

Ukraine is demonstrating its desire for peace and flexibility, showing Xi Jinping that it is Vladimir Putin who is hindering the peace process, sabotaging it, and that the war is continuing because of the Russians, which is negatively affecting the prospects for the development of the Chinese economy.

It is obvious that in this situation, China will be unhappy with Russia sabotaging the Peace Summit and the peace process as a whole. At the same time, Ukraine is thus driving a wedge between Putin's Russia and China.

This is a strategically advantageous position, Eidman noted.

In fact, China does not need a Russian-Ukrainian war. On the one hand, it is not in Beijing's interests for the war to continue, since it negatively affects the economic situation, on which export-oriented China is completely dependent. On the other hand, China is not interested in Russia's defeat and the collapse of Putin's regime.

Russia is a “good cow” for Beijing, which gives milk in unlimited quantities in the form of its natural resources, the political scientist said.

China is trying to maneuver between these two extreme points. That is, to somehow influence Putin's Russia so that it stops the war faster, but at the same time in no way interfere with Putin's war, so as not to lead to the defeat of the aggressor country and the collapse of the dictatorial regime, which is inevitable.

However, China continues to strengthen cooperation with Russia. In particular, Xi Jinping will visit Russia next month. The reason for this is the participation of the BRICS bloc of member countries in the summit

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