Home » Bait from “dead” Putin threatens Ukrainian victory

Bait from “dead” Putin threatens Ukrainian victory

by alex

Rumors about the approaching end of Putin are thrown into society with an insidious purpose/Getty Images

The situation is developing in such a way that weapons from the times of the Cold War are being massively reopened. NATO is resurgent and expanding. Muscovy “takes out” old tanks from storage. Kissinger also began to put forward his “peacekeeping proposals” again.

Fables about Putin's death are trying to “bury” something else

Everyone is so concerned about the health of the bunker grandfather, as as if among the people who, at least theoretically, could take his place, there is at least one conditionally normal. – this is a disinformation campaign for the West, which is designed to convince them to “give way to the bunker”, which “does not last long”, and very soon there will be a new “perestroika” anyway. So what's the point of fighting? You just have to wait.

Dead Putin's bait threatens Ukrainian victory

Rumors about a “sick” Putin are launched to lull the West/Photo by Getty Images

Very stubbornly the topic of “Puten's disease” is promoted by muddy sources with a possible Kremlin trail. Don't forget that we are dealing with professional liars and misinformers.

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