Home » Austria is preparing for a blackout due to the war in Ukraine

Austria is preparing for a blackout due to the war in Ukraine

by alex

Austria is actively preparing for a possible blackout. They are convinced that there is a high risk that there will be blackouts in some parts of the European Union in the near future.

Austrian Minister of Defense Claudia Tanner is convinced that it is very likely that some countries will soon The EU is subject to power outages. Therefore, the Austrian authorities have already begun to systematically inform people about possible blackouts.

Austria is preparing for a blackout

Police, firefighters, civil defense associations and soldiers regularly conduct joint exercises, sometimes involving municipalities and schools. Also, small brochures are distributed in the country, which have tips on what to do in case of a blackout, and how to take precautions in time, for example, how to store certain products.

In addition, poster campaigns and information events are held in Austria , during which they simulate a blackout.

The question is not whether there will be a blackout, but when it will happen… For Putin, hacker attacks on Western energy sources are a means of hybrid warfare. We must not pretend that this is only a theory. It is necessary to prepare for shutdowns in Austria and other European countries, she said.

By 2025, the country will invest 180 million euros in creating so-called “safety islands”. They will have enough energy and will be able to work autonomously for at least two weeks.

Moldova has already been affected by power outages

  • On November 15 and 23, Moldova also suffered from rocket attacks on the energy system of Ukraine by the Russians . These days, there was a large-scale blackout in the country.
  • The power systems of Ukraine and Moldova are connected, therefore, as a result of a power surge, the Russian attack provoked serious problems in the neighboring state.
  • Reacted to the blackout in Moldova and State President Maia Sandu. She stated that Russia left Moldova in the dark.

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