Home » Attack on the West – Zamikula explained Putin's pressure with the topic of Ukrainian grain

Attack on the West – Zamikula explained Putin's pressure with the topic of Ukrainian grain

by alex

An expert explained why Putin is blackmailing the world with hunger/collage of Channel 24

< strong _ngcontent-sc88="">The Kremlin is pushing the whole world into a food crisis by blocking Ukrainian ports. This is a complex of several actions of Russia – they are trying to eliminate a competitor, that is, Ukraine, from the markets and blackmail the West.

This was told to Channel 24 by the expert of the National Institute of Research Mykola Zamikula. The specialist also added that the liquidation of Ukraine as a food competitor determined the entire military campaign of the Russian invaders to occupy our territories.

The main point is geopolitical, the Russians are trying to inflate the global food crisis in order to further put pressure on Western positions, the expert adds.

, that “the conflict must be ended at any cost.”

“The occupiers demonstrate complete unwillingness to compromise or retreat, respectively, they are trying to bring their point of view and incline Ukraine to surrender,” Mykola Zamikula notes.

Not only the Ukrainian question is on the map, the problem is much wider. The Russians are attacking the West with their position, because the provocation of the food crisis can lead to unrest in Africa, for example, – the expert explains.

This can change the political landscape of some states, if the West cannot cope with this crisis, it will undermine its position as a hegemon at the international level, Zamikula stressed.

World food crisis due to Russia's war against Ukraine

Historian Timothy Snyder noted that the Kremlin has a plan for a famine. And they are trying to implement it. And what is happening in Ukraine now is one of the stages in the implementation of a terrible plan.

The head of the African Union and the President of Senegal, Maki Sall, called for demining Ukrainian ports to export grain to African countries . Claiming that Vladimir Putin promised not to attack. The representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Oleg Nikolenko responded to this statement.

The Russians are trying to rob Ukraine and take out everything that happens at hand. The special interest of the enemy is riveted to grain – the infidels plan to cash in on the food crisis.

In Ukraine, in 2023, the harvest may be significantly reduced. In particular, because our state this year has lost a significant part of the territories for crops.

Russia is ready to hold a quadripartite meeting in Istanbul on the export of Ukrainian grain. At the same time, the aggressor country cynically denied that it was her actions that should lead to a food crisis.

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