Home » Atesh discovered a training center for African mercenaries in St. Petersburg

Atesh discovered a training center for African mercenaries in St. Petersburg

by alex

“Atesh” discovered a training center for African mercenaries in St. Petersburg Dmitry Usik

Center where preparing contract soldiers from Africa/Collage 24 Channel

Atesh agents discovered a place where contract soldiers from African countries are being trained for war . In addition, Russian soldiers are also trained there.

Atesh partisans explored the surrounding infrastructure. This also applies to those places where Russian military personnel have fun.

Mercenaries from Africa in Russia

In St. Petersburg, Atesh partisans discovered a training center in which contract soldiers from African countries are trained. Also, 101 armored personnel from military unit 68076 are trained there.

For 2.5 years of war, the Russian army destroyed hundreds of thousands of its citizens and is now forced to try to plug the holes with mercenaries from other countries, – indicated in Atesh.

The agents noted that they had studied in detail the daily routine in this place, and also monitored most -foods where military personnel spend their leisure time.

Center where contract soldiers from Africa are trained/”Atesh”

Let us recall that recently the Atesh partisans indicated that Russian military personnel were also active in their ranks. They carry out sabotage, disable equipment in military units, and transmit information about the location of their units in the occupied territories of Ukraine. They also transmit internal information about the state of affairs in Russian units, and a lot of important documentation,

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