Home » At the time of the attack, there were 5 women in labor inside: what will happen to the only maternity hospital in Kherson

At the time of the attack, there were 5 women in labor inside: what will happen to the only maternity hospital in Kherson

by alex

The Russian military attacked a maternity ward in Kherson the day before. It is known that this was the only institution in the city where little Ukrainians were born. We will tell you what will happen to him.

During the telethon, Secretary of the Kherson City Military Administration Galina Lugovaya shared the details. She noted that, fortunately, none of the women in labor were injured as a result of the December 27 attack.

What will happen to the maternity ward

Po According to Lugovaya, at the time of the hitthere were five women in labor in the hospital. Moreover, on the same day, two babies were born, two new residents of Kherson. Fortunately, all lives were saved. As for the women in labor, they were transferred to another department.

However, it should be understood that this time the enemy attacked the only maternity hospital in the city.We are talking about the maternity ward of the Tropins hospital. As for the consequences of the hit, they are of moderate severity.

I think if we gather our strength and building materials, it will be possible to restore it over a certain period, several months, – Lugovaya noted .

At the same time, she noted that this is not an easy task. Especially when you consider that Kherson is under constant shelling. In addition, do not forget that frosts are coming. So nowit is difficult to talk about restoring the maternity ward.It is at least dangerous.

Occupiers continue shelling

As Lugovaya noted, this night too it was restless. According to her, the sounds of shelling were heard in the areas of Ostrov, Antonovka, and the Dnieper region. Houses are known to have been set on fire as a result of the attacks. Fixed hit in the private sector.

In total, there are 708 houses destroyed or destroyed by the invaders in Kherson. Half of them are in the private sector, and the other half are multi-apartment. Also33 infrastructureand 41 educational institutions were destroyed.

All this once again proves the fact that the Russians are fighting against the civilian population. They specifically attack civilians to avenge their failures on the battlefield. After all, there our military give the enemy a pretty good sniff of gunpowder.

What is known about the attack of the maternity hospital

  • A message about a hostile shelling of the maternity hospital was received at about 20:00. Then Konstantin Ryzhenko told about the arrival in a telegram.
  • Soon, Kirill Timoshenko confirmed this information. He also noted that before the attack, the doctors just had time to complete a caesarean section. The Ministry of Health also noted that doctors with babies managed to go down to the shelter, which saved their lives.
  • Subsequently, Andriy Yermak emphasized that he did not envy those who gave and carried out the order to shell the maternity hospital. According to him, the case against every Russian criminal will reach its logical conclusion.

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