Home ยป At a meeting of the Antarctic Treaty, delegates from 25 countries demonstratively left during the speech of Russia

At a meeting of the Antarctic Treaty, delegates from 25 countries demonstratively left during the speech of Russia

by alex

At the meeting from the Antarctic Treaty, delegates of 25 countries demonstratively left during the speech of Russia/NASC

During the 44th Antarctic Treaty Consultation Meeting in Germany, 25 countries expressed strong support for Ukraine. During the speech of the Russian representative, the Ukrainian delegates, together with representatives of 25 states, demonstratively left the hall.

The Ukrainian delegation in Berlin is headed by Deputy Minister of Education and Science of Ukraine Oleksiy Shkuratov. He stressed that the summit in Germany is the most important event of the year in the elite club of the Antarctic countries, comparable to the meeting of the UN General Assembly.

Who supported Ukraine

The Antarctic Treaty Consultation Meeting in Berlin was attended by delegates from 54 countries of the world that are parties to this agreement. Of these, 29 are consultative parties, that is, countries that have the right to vote on certain issues. Among these states is Ukraine.

On May 24, a solemn meeting was held on the occasion of the opening of the Consultation Meeting. The representative of Ukraine, Counsellor-Envoy of the Embassy of Ukraine in Germany Maxim Yemelyanov spoke at the meeting and spoke about the consequences of the Russian invasion and its impact on the Ukrainian Antarctic program.

After that, the representative of France made a joint statement from 11 EU member states in support of Ukraine and condemnation of Russian aggression. This statement was echoed by other members of the Antarctic Treaty. In general, Ukraine was supported by 25 countries, including:

  • France;
  • Belgium;
  • The Netherlands;
  • Germany;
  • Italy;
  • Poland;
  • Bulgaria;
  • Czech Republic;
  • Spain;
  • Sweden;
  • Finland;
  • Norway;
  • Romania;
  • Japan;
  • India;
  • Australia;
  • UK;
  • USA;
  • Brazil;
  • Argentina;
  • < li> Chile;

  • Ecuador;
  • Colombia;
  • Uruguay.

Interestingly, 23 out of 25 countries who supported our state are members of the consultative side.

In addition, during his speech, the US representative announced the termination of the agreement between the US and Russian governments on cooperation in Antarctica and the blocking of Russia's chairmanship in any working groups and related measures in within the framework of the Antarctic Treaty.

Interesting! Ukraine has been a member of the Antarctic Treaty since 1992, which allowed our country to carry out activities in Antarctica. In 2004, our country received the status of a consultative party, which gave us the right to vote on issues related to activities on the mainland.

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