Home » Asia ahead of Europe: how the world will react if Putin uses nuclear weapons

Asia ahead of Europe: how the world will react if Putin uses nuclear weapons

by alex

Russia continues its nuclear blackmail, but it is not Ukraine that is afraid of it, but the West. Therefore, the aggressor country is threatening to strike no longer on Ukrainian territory.

Political scientist Mykola Davidyuk stated this in a commentary on Channel 24 . According to him, Putin's diplomats began to threaten with nuclear strikes. At the same time, Dmitry Medvedev has already threatened to destroy human civilization.

“They began to threaten that if Ukraine starts to liberate its territories quickly, aggressively and beautifully, then they will no longer hit us. They will hit one of the countries of the European Union,” he said.

Trigger for the largest states

Davydyuk is convinced that Chinese leader Xi Jinping will be the first to “break Vladimir Putin's neck” if a nuclear weapon fires. The situation is similar with India.

“The killing of cows, which is considered “holy”, in India is the first place. That is, murder and blood are very close and easy for them. Therefore, if Putin thinks that India cannot go to Russia, he is deeply mistaken,” the political scientist noted.

Nikolai Davydyuk is sure that nuclear weapons are the trigger that frightens the largest states, because they cannot be overcome with old weapons.

“But one kind of weapon that frightens them, that can destroy billions and suppress those billions so that they can be captured, is nuclear weapons,” he said.

Political scientist told how the world will react if Putin uses nuclear weapons: watch the video

Putin will be put on the shoulder blades

So they are very careful about it. These states also have nuclear weapons, but they do not want anyone to use it.

And now they will just put Putin on the shoulder blades and force him to close his dirty mouth if he still talks about the use of nuclear weapons. Daviduk said.

In his opinion, in this case, the Europeans are cautious.

“But, let's say, we can rely more on an aggressive response on Asians than on Europeans,” the political scientist noted.

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