Home » Arrange severe torture: the occupiers brought with them to Ukraine means for torturing prisoners

Arrange severe torture: the occupiers brought with them to Ukraine means for torturing prisoners

by alex

The invaders brought torture to Ukraine./Channel 24 collage

Russian occupiers brought with them to Ukraine means to torture prisoners. They are applied to people who are kidnapped by the invaders and forced to do what they need.

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Kafirs are torturing people in Berdyansk

A correspondent from Zaporozhye told Channel 24 about this. According to him, about 100 people abducted by the Russians are kept in correctional colony No. 77 in temporarily occupied Berdyansk.

The journalist talked to people who managed to get out of captivity. They told terrible things.

According to eyewitnesses, kafirs have different questions for people. If this is a rich person, they demand money and valuables from him. If they are former Ukrainian soldiers, they are trying to recruit them. If ordinary people are from the street, they are forced to cooperate.

All this is accompanied by severe torture. The people who came out of there are surprised that the Moscow Nazis brought not only some ceremonial costumes, but also means for torture, – the correspondent said.

The invaders brought with them paddy wagons, inside of which there are special electrical devices to torture people with electricity. In addition, they have Stalinist arsenals of the 1937 model. All this is used to mock the prisoners, those whom they kidnapped and captured. They are forced to confess all sorts of things. For example, for a person to admit that he worked with the SBU.

“The scale of this torture is so great that not a single person can withstand it, and in the end even the one who did not want to confess confesses,” – the journalist stated.

In particular, he has the testimony of one of the Berdyansk volunteers who was in such captivity. She is a strong and principled woman, and, of course, did not want to admit to anything.

However, as the volunteer said, when the electrodes were screwed to her ears and the electricity was turned on, it seemed to her that her brain would fly out of her head . Then she agreed to speak to the camera, which is an agent of the SBU.

The correspondent noted that such methods of Russian infidels do not differ in any way from Nazi concentration camps in Germany, or from Stalin's camps, where the same torture took place.

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