Home » Armenia is sailing away from the CSTO, Feigin suggested Moscow’s plan

Armenia is sailing away from the CSTO, Feigin suggested Moscow’s plan

by alex

Armenia is moving away from the CSTO / Collage 24 Channel

Armenia did not participate in the Collective Security Treaty Organization meeting on November 23 in Belarus. Earlier, Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan said that he did not see any advantages in the long-term presence of Russian military bases in the country. Armenia is moving away from the CSTO.

Russia wants to see Armenia as part of a union state, so it may try to remove Pashinyan from power. This opinion was voiced by Russian human rights activist Mark Feigin to Channel 24 .

“Moscow may try to eliminate Pashinyan”

Mark Feygin noted that Nikol Pashinyan openly put forward claims regarding the CSTO’s failure to fulfill its obligations to protect collective security under the treaty. Armenia may gradually move away from this organization.

Of course, Armenia is leaving the CSTO because there are direct claims there. And what is the CSTO? This is the façade of the Russian armed forces. There is nothing significant inside the CSTO,” he said.

Armenia conducted joint military exercises with the United States. Apparently, Pashinyan intends to get closer to the West. However, to do this, he must demonstrate his distance from such military collective organizations as the CSTO.

Armenia is in a very difficult situation. According to the Russian human rights activist, Pashinyan is under threat of a military coup, and Moscow has a plan to annex Armenia as a union state. In addition, Armenia is under additional threat from Azerbaijan and Turkey to secure the Zangezur corridor.

“This is a difficult choice. Moscow can contribute to such a development of events if it helps change power, remove Pashinyan from power and include Armenia as part of a union state, de facto within Russia. I believe that Armenia will continue to move away from the CSTO,” suggested Feigin.

The oppositionist does not rule out that Armenia may leave the CSTO. However, for this to happen, some other important events need to happen. In his opinion, an attack on the Zangezur corridor by Azerbaijan with the tacit consent of Moscow could become such a trigger.

Feigin on Russia’s plan for Armenia: watch the video

Relations between Armenia and Russia: the main thing

  • The deterioration of relations between Armenia and Russia occurred against the background of the escalation of the conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh. For a long time, the Kremlin supported Yerevan, but during the aggravation in 2023 it supported Azerbaijan. At the end of October 2023, Nikol Pashinyan said that he did not see any advantages in the presence of Russian military bases in Armenia because Moscow had not fulfilled its allied obligations.
  • Also in October 2023, the Armenian parliament ratified the Rome Statute, obliging the country to comply with the decision of the International Criminal Court. Note that on March 17, 2023, the ICC issued an arrest warrant for Vladimir Putin. Countries that have ratified the Rome Statute must arrest Putin if he visits. However, Armenia's representative for international legal affairs, Yeghishe Kirakosyan, is convinced that this is “not necessary.”
  • Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan refused to participate in the Collective Security Treaty Organization meeting held on November 23 in Belarus.

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