Home » Armed Forces of Ukraine will show a decisive advantage, – Piontkovsky called the probable date for the end of the war

Armed Forces of Ukraine will show a decisive advantage, – Piontkovsky called the probable date for the end of the war

by alex

Piontkovsky named the probable date for the end of the war/Collage of Channel 24

The full-scale invasion of the “second army of the world” has been resisted by the Ukrainian military for the 75th day. Thanks to their courage and the supply of weapons from the allies, our advantage can soon be expected.

This was reported to Channel 24 by Russian publicist Andrey Piontkovsky. He made a forecast as long as the Russian-Ukrainian war will continue.

“I will answer according to my technical understanding of the balance of forces of the parties. I already mentioned this date – this is June 30. That is, until the end of June, the Armed Forces of Ukraine will show a decisive advantage,” Piontkowski suggested.

Diplomatic Stage

According to him, after that “a very interesting diplomatic stage” will begin. Then Moscow will try to stop the war unleashed against Ukraine, trying to keep something in its teeth.

At the same time, Piontkovsky noted that not only Russian President Vladimir Putin, but others will try to do this. patriotic Russian generals. In his opinion, it is impossible to predict how this stage will develop.

Technological collapse of Russia

In addition, the publicist stressed that in a couple of months, anti-Russian sanctions will hit the aggressor country – a technological collapse will begin. At the same time, it will be more destructive than any financial stranglehold.

As for the military industry, I think that the Russians will not solve the problem of the supply of ammunition and weapons. Stocks will run out, Piontkovsky emphasized.

Weapons from the USA

Piontkovsky stated that at first the West did not believe in the victory of the Ukrainian army, therefore it provided weapons for waging guerrilla warfare. However, thanks to the successes of the Ukrainian military at the front, the opinion of the United States of America has changed dramatically.

“It turned out that there is a modern Ukrainian army that knows the modern art of warfare. And the nature of assistance instantly changed,” Piontkovsky emphasized.


The publicist emphasized that the weapons that Ukraine will receive from the United States thanks to Lend-Lease are much more powerful than the Russian ones. Some samples are ahead of the weapons of the aggressor country by a whole generation.

Full stream with Andrey Piontkovsky: watch the video

Weapons from the USA: the latest

  • Today, on May 9, US President Joe Biden signed the law on lend-lease for Ukraine. Now they will be able to supply weapons to our country very quickly thanks to a simplified procedure.
  • Biden stressed that such assistance to Ukraine is very important for everyone. He noted that the war unleashed by Russia against our state was aimed at destroying not only the democratic future of Ukraine, but also Europe.
  • President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky has already managed to thank the US President for signing the law on lend-lease for Ukraine. He said that this is a historic step, and together we will win.
  • The head of the public league “Ukraine-NATO” Serhiy Dzherdzh, in an exclusive interview with Channel 24, told how Lend-Lease was achieved. In addition, he explained how the pace and volume of the supply of weapons will change.

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