Home » Armed Forces of Ukraine are advancing into Kherson from several sides, there are results and the defeat of the enemy every day, – Khlan

Armed Forces of Ukraine are advancing into Kherson from several sides, there are results and the defeat of the enemy every day, – Khlan

by alex

The Armed Forces of Ukraine are advancing on the front line in the Kherson region/Collage of Channel 24< p _ngcontent-sc88="" class="news-annotation">Ukraine will begin to liberate the Kherson region, despite the attempts of Russian infidels to build defensive structures in the city. The Armed Forces of Ukraine are already advancing into the city and are doing well on the front line.

Deputy Kherson military administration Serhiy Khlan stressed on one of the TV channels that the counteroffensive of the Armed Forces of Ukraine can no longer be stopped and the occupiers understand this.


Currently, the troops are preparing for the defense of Kherson, while the Armed Forces of Ukraine are on the offensive. According to local residents, defensive fortifications are being built in industrial areas. They are preparing for street fights, because they understand that they cannot stop the offensive of the Armed Forces of Ukraine,” Khlan said.

He also noted that the infidels are preparing for street fights, at the same time, this is alarming.

The most active battles, according to Sergey Khlan, will take place on the left bank of the Kherson region. There will be more artillery battles. At the same time, he stressed that more Western weapons are needed for a more confident offensive.

And in Kherson, no matter how they consolidate, they will have to leave, because the offensive actions that we have seen recently will cut through the enemy groupings. They will have no choice but to leave the right-bank part of the Dnieper,” said the UVA adviser.

He stressed that today there are results, there are defeats of the Russians on the front line. So, “soon we will have to force the Russians out of Kherson.”

“The main task of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the partisans is to oust the infidels from Kherson virtually without a fight, in order to reduce the amount of destruction in the city itself and reduce the number of shelling in the city itself,” Khlan added.

What is the situation in the temporarily occupied Kherson region

  • Russian infidels cannot share power in the temporarily occupied Kherson region. In particular, skirmishes were recorded in Chernobaevka and Novaya Kakhovka.
  • The occupiers have been bypassing the Kherson region with ammunition since the 50s of the last century. Ukrainian intelligence notes that the shells were supposed to be destroyed, but the Russian command appropriated the funds for disposal and transferred the dangerous cargo to the advanced units of the invaders to mine defense positions.
  • The partisan movement has intensified in the Kherson region. Recently, partisans blew up the car of Sobolev, the head of penal colony No. 90, who defected to the invaders at the beginning of a full-scale invasion.
  • Local residents warn uninvited guests that the Armed Forces of Ukraine are very close, but it’s too late to flee to Russia. They post signs and leaflets around the city.

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