Home » “Armata” dances do not exist, there are models for parades, – military expert on modern technology in Russia

“Armata” dances do not exist, there are models for parades, – military expert on modern technology in Russia

by alex

Russian propagandists love to threaten to send their most advanced T-14 Armata tanks to the front “. However, in fact, this is a mythical weapon.

so, these tanks simply do not exist. This opinion Channel 24 was voiced by military expert Nikolai Salamakha.

Armata tanks do not exist

There are no T-14 Armata tanks, there are only 3-4 experimental samples that have not passed state tests,” the military expert said.

According to him, in fact, the Russians have 12 models of these tanks. They have been participating in the military parades of the aggressor country since 2015, but every year there are less and less Armat. So, at the last parade in 2021, the Russians used only 3 models of the so-called most “modern” tanks.

So, all the stuffing of Russian propagandists and threats to transfer “Armata” to the battlefield are just senseless hype of people who do not understand the real situation of Russian tank production at all.

Salamakha noted that Russian tanks “Armata” do not exist : watch the video

What is known about the mythical weapons of the Russians

The T-14 Armata tank is considered the most modern weapon of the Russian invaders . In addition, Russia is even considering the option of transferring them to Ukraine. According to the Russians, the T-14 has the following characteristics:

  • crew – 3 people;
  • weight – 48 tons;
  • engine 1350 – 1800 hp s.;
  • maximum speed on the highway 80 – 90 kilometers per hour;
  • power reserve – 500 kilometers.

Most likely, “Armata “Corny and will not appear on the battlefield, because it will be just a beating. Actually, this is what British intelligence says in its report of January 25th. On the other hand, if the Russians throw T-14s into battle, this will mean that they are doing very badly.

In addition, there is a high probability that the most “modern” Russian tank will not reach the front line, because he had difficulty even getting around Red Square in Russia. Military analyst Aleksey Getman recalled how the Russians wanted to show off the tank, but it just died out on the square.

“They tried to show the T-14 on Red Square, but he could not get past the mausoleum of Vladimir Lenin. He stalled, it had to be pulled by another “very modern” tank. But this “very modern” tank could not pull the stalled super-tank, “said the military analyst.

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