Home » Arestovich called the failures of the Russian military in the East of Ukraine

Arestovich called the failures of the Russian military in the East of Ukraine

by alex

Arestovich spoke about the futile attempts of the Russians to succeed in the East/Collage of Channel 24

The Russian military is trying to carry out offensive operations in the East. However, all their efforts were unsuccessful.

Aide to the Head of the Office of the President Alexei Arestovich spoke about the failures of the Russians at a briefing. This is reported by Channel 24.

The Russian military is failing

  • The invaders are trying to encircle our troops in Popasnaya, Severodonetsk and Rubizhne, but they fail;
  • in the direction of Izyum to Slavyansk, they fail;
  • in Kramatorsk, all attempts are in vain;
  • it is also impossible to advance to Avdiivka and Marinka.< /li>

Although the enemy delivers powerful artillery and air strikes, our troops successfully maneuver and repulse attacks,” Arestovich said.

He added that in the direction of Gulyaipol and Zaporizhzhia, heavy fighting is going on. Our troops are attacking clusters of Russian equipment, command posts and field depots.

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