Home » Are the commanders really to blame: ISW told about the defeat of the Russian column at Vugledar

Are the commanders really to blame: ISW told about the defeat of the Russian column at Vugledar

by alex

The invaders tried to storm Vuhledar, Donetsk region. However, the Ukrainian defenders heavily defeated the invaders.

The footage of the unsuccessful Russian assault near Vuhledar, Donetsk region, became the last “point of neuralgia” in the Russian information space. This is stated in the daily analytical report of the American Institute for the Study of War.

ISW about the failed enemy assault near Ugledar

The ISW noted that the failure of the assault near Ugledar caused a new wave of criticism of the military command of the aggressor state. Russian milbloggers claim that the same commanders who led the extremely grueling assault attempts by the 155th Marine Brigade in the Pavlovka area in November 2022 are responsible for the effort to capture Vugledar.

One Russian blogger separately stated that the commander of the Eastern Group of Forces, Lieutenant General Rustam Muradov, is responsible for the tactical failures of the Russians at Ugledar. Another called for public trials to punish high-ranking officers who repeatedly failed on the battlefield, and argued that Russian troops would continue to repeat the same mistakes if those commanders remained in their positions, the ISW report said.

However, analysts note that the released footage shows these Russian forces employing very ineffective tactics that indicate much more that the 155th Marine Brigade is more likely to consist of poorly trained mobilized personnel than poor command.

The ISW also noted that Russian millbloggers regularly blame commanders for tactical failures during the war.

Russian millbloggers likely blamed the Russian command to belittle the fact that the systemic poor training of Russian mobilized personnel is likely to lead to similar tactical failures throughout Ukraine. analysts summed it up.

How Ukrainian soldiers thwarted an assault on infidels near Ugledar

  • In early February, it became known that SOF soldiers, together with fighters from the 72nd separate mechanized brigade, thwarted an enemy assault near Ugledar.
  • According to the military, they set up an ambush for the advancing tank unit of infidels. We are talking about the 155th Marine Brigade based in Vladivostok. Recall that it was she who participated in the assault on Kyiv in February and March 2022. In addition, members of this brigade committed other war crimes in Bucha and Irpen.
  • Ukrainian defenders destroyed a modernized Russian T-80 tank even before the combat vehicle entered the firing position.
  • Our warriors not only increased the statistics of enemy casualties, but captured two invaders. You can watch the video here.
  • Note that the Defense Forces liquidated the commander of the 14th Separate Special Forces Brigade of the Russian Armed Forces, Colonel Sergey Polyakov, near Ugledar.

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