Home » Approaches have changed, Zelensky does not rule out a military way to return Crimea

Approaches have changed, Zelensky does not rule out a military way to return Crimea

by alex

Tamila Tasheva said that the de-occupation of Crimea can take place by military means/Collage of Channel 24

Ukraine has repeatedly stated that it will de-occupy all the territories of our state seized by Russia without exception. At the same time, the return of the Crimean peninsula is also possible by military means.

This was stated by Permanent Representative of the President of Ukraine in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea Tamila Tasheva on the air of the unified news telethon. Channel 24 broadcasts the details.

Approaches to the de-occupation of Crimea changed after February 24

According to Tamila Tasheva, the strategy for the de-occupation and reintegration of Crimea is currently considering the use of various asymmetric measures, including military elements .

The issues of Crimea after February 24 and approaches to the return of territories have also changed, – assured the representative of the President of Ukraine.

The official stressed that, in any case, the Armed Forces of Ukraine should be counted first of all. She noted that in order to return the territories, we will use absolutely all methods , which at the moment, as Tasheva commented, “moment X” will be necessary for the de-occupation and reintegration of Ukrainian territories.

Statements of other officials on the liberation of Ukrainian territories

Recall that Defense Minister Oleksiy Reznikov recently stated in an interview with CNN that Ukraine will return Crimea and Donbaswith the help of weapons received from Western partners. He noted that de-occupation is a strategic goal for Ukraine, and added that this will not happen as quickly as we would like, in particular, already at the third stage of the plan for victory in the war against Russia.

He categorically rejected any territorial concessions in favor of the aggressor country and Major General Dmitry Marchenko. He stressed that the Armed Forces of Ukraine must unconditionally de-occupy all the territories of our state within internationally recognized borders, in particular, Donetsk, Luhansk, Kherson and Crimea. The military stressed that if this is not done during this war, then it will only get worse – Russia will restore its strength, adjust its tactics and attack again, trying to capture the whole of Ukraine.

He emphasized the position that it is impossible with Russia ” trade” territories and adviser to the head of the Office of the President Mikhail Podolyak. He came to the positions of our defenders and defenders in the Kherson region and stressed that it was necessary to liberate every last Ukrainian city and village occupied by Russians.

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