Home » Apache in Ukraine will change the rules of the game: what is known about them

Apache in Ukraine will change the rules of the game: what is known about them

by alex

The Apache attack helicopter is one of the main attack helicopters in service with many armies around the world. ICTV Facts learned about its features and characteristics from military expert Alexander Kovalenko.

Apache: what is known and features

According to the expert, Apache helicopters, like any other attack helicopters, have a rather short range — up to 480 km (2.5 flight hours). Therefore, they require the deployment of sites protected from attacks by long-range missile weapons.

In addition, the Apache is a very expensive car. The price for one modern Apache for the US Army reaches more than $60 million, and for other countries the price is usually even higher. But the high cost does not stop buyers, except for the USA, Apache is operated in 15 countries around the world.

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Apache attack helicopter assignment

The AH-64 Apache began to be built back in the 70s as a super-mobile anti-tank weapon that could destroy armored vehicles outside the enemy's kill zone. The helicopters have undergone a number of upgrades that have increased the firepower and efficiency of the combat vehicle.

The most famous version of the Apache, the AH-64D Longbow, features a fire control radar. It can track up to 128 targets and simultaneously attack up to 16. Moreover, the AH-64D Longbow can transmit target data to other vehicles and guide their missiles.

For helicopters, an additional weapon system is available for close combat – a 30-mm M230 automatic cannon with 1,200 rounds of ammunition, unguided missiles, and for self-defense from an air enemy – AIM-92 Stinger.

The AH-64D Longbow is not the latest upgrade; since 2011, the vehicles have been upgraded to the AH-64E Guardian version. All their capabilities are hidden, all that is known is that Apache has learned to control drones and is integrated into automated control systems.

How Apache will help Ukraine at the front

– Apache in Ukraine will change the rules of the game, says the British publication Mirror.

According to the publication, four helicopters can destroy an entire regiment of 70 tanks in a matter of seconds.

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Helicopters have many modifications in order to diversify the destruction of various targets. These could be quite powerful AGM-114 Hellfire – guided missiles that are capable of hitting heavily armored vehicles, such as tanks. This helicopter is capable of carrying up to 16 such missiles or pods of Hydra 70 unguided missiles, and this arsenal is enough to be a serious threat to both manpower and various armored vehicles.

Apache is used both for patrolling and for performing full-fledged combat missions in combat conditions.

– Among those helicopters that we have in service, we can compare them, for example, with the MI-24, but technically and technologically Apaches are more advanced, and among other things, they quite fast,” says Kovalenko.

Maximum speed of helicopters — 365 km/h, which, according to the expert, makes it possible to quite effectively expand their area of ​​activity.

Apache Specifications

The US Army Apache attack helicopter has zero vulnerability when hit by a 12.7 mm bullet at a speed of 490 m per second or minimal damage when hit by a 23 mm high explosive projectile. The AH-64 Apache can continue to fly for half an hour after hitting any part of the helicopter.

Apache в Украине изменит правила игры: что о них известно

Technical characteristics of the Apache AH-64D Longbow:

Apache в Украине изменит правила игры: что о них известно

  • crew: 2 people;
  • main rotor diameter: 14.63 m;
  • tail rotor diameter: 2.79 m;
  • helicopter length with rotating propellers: 17.3 m;
  • length: 14.97 m;
  • height: 4.66 m;
  • maximum take-off weight: 10,433 kg;
  • power plant power: 1,890 l. With. (1409 kW);
  • cruising speed: 265 km/h;
  • service ceiling: 6.1 km;
  • combat radius: 450 km.

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