Home » “Another terrible event of this war”: the reaction of Ukrainian politicians to the tragedy in Brovary

“Another terrible event of this war”: the reaction of Ukrainian politicians to the tragedy in Brovary

by alex

On Wednesday, January 18, a State Emergency Service helicopter crashed near a kindergarten in Brovary. There were 9 people at the helicopter port, including the leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Ukrainian politicians spoke about the tragedy in Brovary in their social networks.Channel 24 collected a selection of messages from officials.

How politicians react to the tragedy in Brovary

Let us remind you that as a result of a helicopter crash in Brovary, the top leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs died: the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs< strong>Denis Monastyrsky, his First Deputy Yevhen Enin and State Secretary of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Yuriy Lubkovich.

Minister of Digital Transformation of Ukraine Mykhailo Fedorov stressed that recently he ruled new projects together with representatives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

My colleague, Interior Minister Denis Monastyrsky, died. His first deputy Yevgeny Enin, members of the Interior Ministry team. Young, professional, valuable team. Children died. I can't find the words. On Friday, together with Denis and Evgeniy, we planned joint projects, the development of the Army of Drones, projects for the National Guard… Dnipro, now Brovary, people you know, children, thinking about whom the heart shrinks… – he wrote.

Fyodorov also expressed condolences to the families of all the victims.

Klitschko's reaction

The mayor of Kyiv Vitaliy Klitschko also did not ignore the tragedy in Brovary. He expressed sincere condolences to the families of the dead children, civilians of Brovary, as well as to the families of the dead heads of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the families of the crew members.

“Every day Ukraine pays with the lives of its citizens because of the barbaric aggression of Russia. We live in conditions of war. Today's tragedy is another terrible event of this war. None of the Ukrainians will feel safe on their land until the last Russian leaves it, who came with weapons and aggressive intentions. Until missiles stop flying to the Dnieper, Kyiv, Kharkov and other cities of our state,” he stressed.

Klitschko also added that “the world must understand this: no concessions and there can be no peaceful compromises with Russia”.

Malyar: Indescribable pain and sadness

Deputy Defense Minister Anna Malyar recalled cooperation with Denis Monastyrsky long before the post of minister. She noted that it was mainly legislative work in the field of criminal law. “Then we cooperated much more intensively with Denis Anatolyevich in the position of minister, especially with the start of a full-scale invasion,” she said.

Perhaps today a lot will be written about his high professionalism – it was so. But the greatest contribution to the development of our state is the values ​​that he professed. He was the first Minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, for whom a person and his rights were really the highest value. If I had to single out one of all his features, I would single out – humanity. He brought it into the system as much as he could. Unspeakable pain and sadness, – said Malyar.

Anna Malyar with Denis Monastyrsky/Photo from the official's Instagram

It is impossible to get used to tragedies

Vice Prime Minister of Ukraine Iryna Vereshchuk stressed that it is impossible to get used to tragedies. It is also impossible to accept that children are dying, she notes.

“It’s unbearable when friends I saw yesterday die. I still can’t accept that I won’t see my colleague Minister Denis Monastyrsky again. This morning in Brovary reminded me that in this difficult time, fate does not distinguish who to take away from us. Take care of each other . !” Vereshchuk wrote.

Kuleba about the loss of friends

Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Dmytro Kuleba expressed sincere condolences to the families and friends of all those killed on board the helicopter and in kindergarten. “The death of friends and children is always especially scary and painful. I wish a speedy recovery to the wounded on this terrible morning,” he stressed.

Kuleba also stressed that the loss of this terrible tragedy of close colleagues and friends – Denis Monastyrsky and Yevgeny Enin.

Both were patriots of Ukraine, of which there are few, and their death is a very big loss not only for me, their relatives and friends, but for our entire state , – wrote Kuleba.

Kuleba noted that he had known Yevgeny Enin for many years. In 2016, he accompanied him to work at the GPU. He invited him to return to the diplomatic service in 2020, when he became a minister, the minister recalls.

“I also saw him off at the Ministry of Internal Affairs. How long we went with him. And now see him off again, but now forever … Kingdom of heaven” , – Kuleba added.

Kuleba with Enin/Photo from the Minister's Instagram

“The country has lost a bright man”

Minister of Energy of Ukraine German Galushchenko also commented on the plane crash in Brovary. He stressed that today the loss of his friend.

Civilian children Denis Monastyrsky, Yevgeny Yenin, Yuri Lubkovich and other employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs died. Denis Monastyrsky was not just a colleague with whom I worked together in the government. He is my friend. The country has lost a bright, decent, talented person, a statesman. A true patriot and hero. Rest in peace, friend,” he wrote.

“There is perhaps nothing worse than the death of children”

Ukrainian military intelligence officials also expressed sincere condolences to the families of all the victims. They stressed that “Ukraine has lost decent highly qualified professionals devoted to the state.”

“The reasons will be clarified. But it is known for certain that one of them is Russian aggression against Ukraine. There is, perhaps, nothing worse than the death of children, and hardly Are there words that can help the grief of parents and ease their pain,” the GUR said in a statement.

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