Home » Another OSCE employee detained in Donetsk: allegedly for “espionage”

Another OSCE employee detained in Donetsk: allegedly for “espionage”

by alex

Infidels detained another OSCE employee in Donetsk/illustrative photo of Channel 24

The Russians continue to illegally detain people. Even a certificate of an OSCE employee, which is neutral and monitors events, does not save them from their criminal intentions.

Russian infidels continue to actively violate all international norms and agreements. The enemy is not going to hide his deeds – he openly boasts of them.

Detention of an OSCE worker in Donetsk

The Russians reported about the detention of an OSCE worker in Donetsk. They reported that it was Ukrainian Mikhail Gold.

Russian infidels attributed to him “espionage”. In particular, they claim that they detained data on the deployment of the military of the so-called “DPR” and industrial facilities, and then passed the data to foreign intelligence.

Detention of OSCE workers

  • In the hope of hiding their insane crimes from the world, the Russians “banned” the OSCE monitoring mission in the so-called “DPR.” It happened on April 10.
  • After that, the infidels began to take the employees of the OSCE SMM prisoner, take away their equipment and premises.
  • The OSCE stated that it was doing everything possible to dismiss its employees, and the US ambassador denied the Kremlin's cynical lies that they were engaged in espionage.
  • On April 29, the OSCE announced the closure of the OSCE monitoring mission.

What the OSCE SMM does

The SMM is a civilian monitoring mission operating 24/7. The employees of the OSCE mission have no weapons. The main task of the OSCE mission was impartial and objective reporting on the situation in Ukraine. Also, the OSCE was supposed to establish a dialogue between all parties.

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