Home » Another exchange of prisoners took place: Ukraine returned the bodies of 46 soldiers

Another exchange of prisoners took place: Ukraine returned the bodies of 46 soldiers

by alex

Ukraine and Russia exchanged prisoners/Photo illustrative from the Facebook of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

Ukraine does not leave its people to their fate. We pull them out even from the clutches of the enemy.

Proof of this is that another exchange of prisoners took place between Ukraine and Russia. As a result, we managed to return the bodies of the dead defenders.

Everyone will be buried with dignity

In total, we managed to carry away the bodies of 46 Ukrainian soldiers who died in battles.

The Ministry for the Reintegration of the Temporarily Occupied Territories of Ukraine reported that the operation to return the bodies of the dead Ukrainian servicemen took place in the Zaporozhye region.

All 46 bodies of the heroic defenders will be buried with dignity and honors. Among them, 21 are defenders of Azovstal.

It is also known that this operation was carried out in cooperation with the Commissioner for Missing Persons, the Main Directorate of Intelligence, the Security Service of Ukraine, the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and other law enforcement agencies of our state.

How prisoners are exchanged

  • President Volodymyr Zelensky said that Ukraine attracts the maximum number of partners in the process of exchanging prisoners. Kyiv is doing everything to release the Ukrainian military from Russian captivity as soon as possible. The International Committee of the Red Cross, the UN and even several states that have a certain influence on the Russians are involved in this process. There is no information about the conditions of detention of prisoners and whether they are provided with the necessary assistance.
  • The Minister for the Reintegration of the Temporarily Occupied Territories, Irina Vereshchuk, said that according to information on June 20, more than 1,500 of our people were in Russian captivity. Peaceful Ukrainians who fell into the hands of the enemy, they contain as prisoners of war. This violates laws and regulations. Infidels keep captive civilians in different cities of Russia. This leads to a problem because there is no legal regulation for their exchange. After all, such people do not have a status under international humanitarian law.
  • At the same time, Russian prisoners are also in Ukraine. They are placed in special camps for keeping prisoners. Minister of Justice Denis Malsky reported that almost all Russians do not want to stay in Ukraine and dream of going for an exchange. Russian prisoners of war were interviewed, and they admitted that they wanted to go for an exchange. This answer was given by 99% of Russians. They also tell different stories about being forced into the Russian armed forces.

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