Home » An explosion that will destroy the Putin regime, or What pushes the Kremlin tyrant to “feats”

An explosion that will destroy the Putin regime, or What pushes the Kremlin tyrant to “feats”

by alex

Putin found himself on a powder keg that he himself created/Getty Images , but the tension is very high. Especially the tension between the regions and Putin.

A Call to Destroy And today, quite harshly, Putin cracks down on the remnants of the opposition, with any oppositional tendencies and movements. Society allows it, but precisely because it is afraid. Frightened by the war. Frightened, on the one hand, by the dangers arising from this, and, on the other hand, by Putin himself, by his repressions.

This war with Ukraine is in fact not a war for territory, for profit. Here – as with Abkhazia. Now there is a desert. As with South Ossetia. There are bandits in power and nothing is being produced. As with Transnistria. Such an enclave of gangsters, drug trafficking, prostitution of which there is nothing – they sell organs illegally, somewhere they kill people, they dismantle them for organs. Horror!

He seizes Ukraine in order to strengthen his power in Russia, to strengthen his power in the territory that he controls. And this is one of the ways to strengthen yourself, your power. Here is 1999 – explosions of houses. Well, now everyone seems to understand what the FSB did. Investigations have already been carried out, evidence has been collected. What for? Just sadism, just dislike for the citizens of Russia? No. scare. To scare you to the point of hiccups, to scare you to the point where citizens begin to cuddle up to such a leader and say: “Protect us from Chechen terrorists.”

Fictional terrorists – the Chechens did not need anything in Russia, they had one year left before the declaration of independence of the Chechen Republic under the Khasavyurt agreements. No – they are such bastards, they blow up houses, they attacked Russia, 50 people led by Shamil Basayev. And they are so evil, such terrorists, only Putin can save us. And such a reptile, a poisonous KGB creature with a zero rating suddenly gets a rating of 70-80 percent.

Slaves demand a yoke

Therefore, what to talk about? Putin is concerned about maintaining his power and income from the gas and oil pipeline. And this power can only be preserved in this way.

There is tension in the country. This is carefully infringed, information is isolated, but there is tension between the regions. Especially now with the sanctions. Colossal tension. And this needs to be addressed somehow. And this can be solved in a repressive way, by force, indirectly. You can't arrest everyone. You won't be put in jail. But, for example, three generals of the MVS.

So the desire to frighten society and strengthen their power, which, if not melting, then weakening. The economy is not working, and everyone feels it – prices are rising, there are no wages, there is no work.

If you see last names and first names in our news with a small letter, this is not a mistake, but the position of the editors regarding the actions of states -terrorists and individuals who supported a full-scale invasion of Ukraine.

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