Home » An electric plant is on fire in Moscow: parts for the Russian Army could be produced there

An electric plant is on fire in Moscow: parts for the Russian Army could be produced there

by alex

An electric plant is on fire in Moscow/Collage 24 Channel

V In Moscow, on Elektrozavodskaya Street, a plant producing electrical equipment for all industries in Russia is on fire. Residents of the enemy capital complain of smoke that is impossible to breathe.

According to preliminary information from Russian media, the fire occurred in a paint shop.

An electric plant is on fire in Moscow

It is known that an electric plant in the Preobrazhensky district of Moscow caught fire. Due to the fire, heavy smoke is pouring out of the factory building. Emergency services have already arrived at the scene. The fire area is about 200 square meters.

It is reported that there appear to be no employees in the building and no one was injured.

However, Muscovites complain that the burning smell prevents them from breathing.

Fire at a factory in Moscow: watch the video

The other day another plant was on fire in Moscow

  • Let us recall that on December 3 another important plant burned in Moscow. The flames engulfed the specialized automobile plant – the area of ​​the fire was about 500 square meters.
  • It is known that housings for Russian equipment were produced there. In addition, this plant produced casings for missiles that the occupiers were launching across Ukraine. That is, this is a very important and serious military facility of the invaders.
  • Military expert, reserve colonel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and instructor pilot Roman Svitan suggested that this was probably the work of Russian partisans. Representatives of this movement are national minorities in Russia who are also fighting the regime.

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