Home » An alternative to the Crimean Bridge: when can the Russians complete the construction of the railway?

An alternative to the Crimean Bridge: when can the Russians complete the construction of the railway?

by alex

Russian leader Vladimir Putin said that Russia has allegedly resumed construction of a railway link from Rostov-on-Don through Donetsk – Mariupol – Berdyansk to Sevastopol.

The head of the Center for Military Legal Research, Alexander Musienko, suggested on air 24 Channel when the occupiers might complete the construction of the railway, which is an alternative to the Crimean Bridge.

How long does it take to build a railway

Musienko noted that the Russians have been working since the fall of 2023 They've been trying to build a railway for years, but they can't meet the deadline. This is hampered by several factors.

Firstly, the Ukrainian military has already twice destroyed enemy formations across the Kalmius River near the village of Granitnoye in the Donetsk region.

Secondly, in Russia there is a saying: “Don’t rush to carry out an order, because it can be changed.” The situation is similar with the railway. The occupiers are in such a rush to complete tasks that their actions indicate signs of sabotage. They do not fulfill the plan on time and steal funds.

The same situation happened with the construction of the Crimean Bridge. The Russians fed them with promises that “just about” everything would be ready, but subsequently they built a structure that, quite likely, the Defense Forces would soon destroy. Therefore, the occupiers will try with all their might to build a railway connection.

Russia has declared that it can be built in six months, but I have my doubts. There were such thoughts and such deadlines sounded. How long it really takes? It's hard to say. There are factors of sabotage, theft, and delays. Also, I don’t think that the Ukrainian troops will observe in silence, but that corresponding actions will be aimed at destruction even at the construction stage,” suggested Alexander Musienko.

It was no coincidence that the information was given, that Ukraine needs German Taurus missiles. Intelligence learned that the Russians want to build a railway. Therefore, while the Crimean Bridge plays one of the priority and important roles in the logistical support of the enemy in the occupied Crimea and the South, it must be destroyed.

Construction of a railway on the Azov coast: the main thing

  • In the Novoazov and Mariupol regions, the occupiers are clearing a plot of land for the construction of a branch from the border to the city of Mariupol. However, active work is not underway yet. Most likely, construction will drag on for years. Back in the winter, the Mariupol District Council received documents that spoke of the approval of the provision of land plots for the construction of this railway along the Sea of ​​Azov.
  • The Russians are also building a railway from Rostov-on-Don , which should crash into the existing branch between Mariupol and Volnovakha. In fact, this is a resuscitation of the message that existed before 2014 and connected Mariupol with Moscow. The occupiers are repairing this area, part of which is being built anew. In particular, a new bridge is being built near the village of Granitnoye. Construction is really going on there.
  • In addition, the invaders are building an alternate route to the south towards Mariupol. In case of failure with the bridge near Granitnoye, the Russians will take a more difficult route – they will build a direct line to Mariupol, which will crash into the Mariupol-Volnovakha-Donetsk railway.

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