Home » Among the leaders are China and Belarus: over two years, more than 16 thousand companies with foreign investment opened in the Russian Federation

Among the leaders are China and Belarus: over two years, more than 16 thousand companies with foreign investment opened in the Russian Federation

by alex

Since the beginning of Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine, 16,533 companies with foreign participants from 143 countries have been registered in the Kremlin.

This is stated in the analysis of the YouControl center.

Contributions to the authorized capitals of companies during this period amounted to more than 240 billion rubles or almost 2.7 billion dollars.

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The largest investors in the Russian economy are individuals and legal entities from Belarus and China.

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From February 24 to December 31, 2022 inclusive, 5541 legal entities were registered in Russia, for 2023 — 7735, for 5 months of 2024 — 3257 legal entities with foreign participants.

The leaders among Russian regions in the number of registered companies with foreign capital were Moscow (8771) and the Moscow region (1231), which together accounted for more than 60% of the number of enterprises studied. About 10% (1628) are registered in the Smolensk region, which borders Belarus, and the participants in these companies are predominantly citizens of Belarus. The place of registration of almost 6% of newly created companies (960) was St. Petersburg.

Half of the companies studied — 8598 legal entities work in the trade sector, 1950 firms are involved in construction.

Another 1058 Russian companies with foreign participants provide administrative and related additional services. 1048 firms from the analyzed list are engaged in the processing industry.

Which countries are investing in the Russian Federation

As noted in the study, in some enterprises the participants were legal entities and/or individuals from different countries at the same time. Participants 5131 of the company were representatives of from Belarus.

A little more than 22% of the companies (3763) were co-owned by citizens of China and Chinese legal entities.

Individuals and legal entities from Kyrgyzstan (1695), Kazakhstan (1063)Uzbekistan (889). More than 1000 companies are registered with the participation of representatives from Turkey (519) and Armenia (542).

There are fewer investors from European countries, but, as stated in the analysis of the YouControl center, there are more than 700 of them.

In particular, 120 enterprises with representatives from Moldova, 88 — from Latvia, 87 — from Germany, 73 — from Italy and 73 — from Serbia. The participants of about 200 Russian companies were mainly legal entities from offshore zones. Most from Cyprus — 120 companies.

Среди лидеров Китай и Беларусь: за два года в РФ открылось более 16 тыс. компаний с иностранными инвестициями

Graphics: YouControl

Russian Trade with China

After the full-scale invasion, China's partnership with the Russian Federation increased significantly, which significantly strengthened Moscow's military goals.

As the think tank Atlantic Council reports, while there is no publicly available evidence that Beijing is supplying lethal weapons to the Russian Federation, its exports are likely facilitating Moscow's invasion.

Chinese imports from Russia have grown steadily throughout the entire period of the full-scale war.

Mainly due to the sharp rise in world commodity prices and the redirection, when possible, of Russian hydrocarbon exports from Europe to China.

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